Ayesha at Last and The One - February CC Book Club Selection

Thanks, @AnAsmom and @Caraid, that worked!


I am all in for Hamnet! It looks like a great choice. I am currently reading the latest book in a series I started long ago called Exit Unicorns by Cindy Brandner. I have Brandon Sanderson’s next book in his Stormlight Archive series, Rhythm of War on my Kindle waiting for me. It is a huge book, so I need to be ready for the time commitment.


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I thought the book you mentioned as “a fantasy set in Regency England” sounded good. You said that it is the sequel to *Sorcerer to the Queen. * Anyway, I ran into trouble when I tried to request that first book. After some sleuthing, I figured out that the title to the first book is Sorcerer to the Crown. I only mention this because someone else may want to read it too and hit the same roadblocks I did.

More important … am I on the right track with the title? Let me know if I’m not.

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Yes you are! Sorcerer to the Crown is correct! The sequel is The True Queen which is probably why I mistyped it.

Thank you. Everything else about the book sounded right so I figured it was probably the one. Anyway, it sounds good. Thanks for mentioning it.

My husband liked it better than I did, it’s very much a first novel. He’s already read the sequel, but it’s still coming up as on hold for me.

If any stragglers are still inclined to read Ayesha at Last, it’s $1.99 Kindle special on Amazon today (2/27/21).


Mediocre review of “The One” on Netflix: “…with each passing episode we actually become LESS interested in the main characters and the increasingly ludicrous storylines that depend upon a whole bunch of supposedly smart people doing a whole lot of stupid things.”

Not unlike the book, I would say. However, the series seems to have changed the storyline and characters quite a bit:

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Just saw the headline …

Ooooo, looks like fun. I’ll watch.