Ayesha at Last and The One - February CC Book Club Selection

@silverlady, we are going to go with Hamnet. That’s too bad that the book is not in your library system! Sometimes, Amazon temporarily drops the price on new hardcovers. I have Hamnet in my cart and am going to watch it for a while.

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And you might consider the Book Depository - just a tad lower than Amazon but no taxes and free delivery. (I’ve ordered from them and it worked. But you may prefer to stick with the known (Amazon). I also order from Wordery and really like it.)

Edit: Be sure to check delivery dates. Sometimes it’s just quickest to go the Amazon route.

Well that was easy!

I read the first Bridgerton book two years ago, watched the series aware that lots of changes were made. In many ways I like the TV version better, but each have their plusses and minuses. I’m about half way through re-reading the first Bridgerton book (as is my husband who is quite amused by it), the same things that bothered me before still bother me, but this time I’m imaging Simon as Regé-Jean Page. Swoon. I put Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me on my phone to listen to. Not too far along yet, but it is beautifully written. When they are available I’ll be reading two sequels to books I got for Christmas - one is called Jade War it’s a fantasy set in something kind of like Hong Kong where jade gives some people superpowers, the other is the sequel to Sorcerer to the Queen which is a fantasy set in Regency England. The author is from Malaysia and some of the magical beings come from Asia.


I just completed a fun challenge on Facebook where I had to post, one per day, 12 books that I’ve read. It was fun to do, as it made me think about the gazillion books I’ve read through the decades. What it also did for me was make me want to reread some of the books I posted about. So these are the old ones I’m about to reread:

Sophie’s Choice - Styron
The Midwife’s Tale - Ulrich (nonfic)
The Women’s Room - French
Freakonomics - Levitt and Dubner
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All - Gurganus
And Ladies of the Club - Santmyer


@VeryHappy, I’ve read Sophie’s choice, Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All and And Ladies of the Club (that one took me waaaaay back).

Although it has been many years since I read it, I remember being blown away by Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All. It was one of those books I thought about for a long time.

@ignatius, I also have The Wife Upstairs on my shelf, but haven’t read it yet. I plan to read The Survivors one of these days. I’ve read all Jane Harper’s other books, too, but The Dry remains my favorite.

Now…what to read before Hamnet? So many choices, but I think I’m going to start with Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam.


D and I tried to watch Bridgeton but didn’t make it through even half an episode. I did like the onscreen characters better than their book counterparts, especially Simon!

For those who like to listen to books, here is a podcast recommended by a friend — Phoebe Reads a Mystery.
I tried listening to her reading of Agatha Christie’s The Mysterious Affair at Styles but I’m afraid I’m too impatient. It took half an hour to listen to one chapter (13 chapters!) and 2 hours to finish reading the book as of course I couldn’t stop at that point.
She has some other books that I may try. Dracula being one. I read that when I was too young (the age of unwise obstinacy), against my mother’s advice and it scared the living daylights out of me. This time around, I hope to fare better.


I only listen to books when I’m doing something mindless and boring like the basement gym or shoveling snow. My son listens to books and podcasts at 1.5 speed. I’ve done that with youtube painting videos which are unbearably slow, but I haven’t tried it for books.


@AnAsmom :joy::joy: “the age of unwise obstinacy” …I love this phrase.

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I’m fine with “Hamnet.”

For my real life (now on Zoom) Book Club I’ve recently read “Anxious People,” Monogamy" and “The Mother-in-Law.”

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@Mary13, Hamnet is fine. I ordered it on E-bay. If I really, really like the book, then I will keep it. If it isn’t a keeper, then I donate it to the library. Our library only gets about $1,000 a year for acquisitions. Any book that is recent and donated stretches their budget. Often, if I want to read a new book, I will have the librarian order it. I will pay for it, then I am first on the list to read it. Cheaper books obviously means that I can donate more.


That’s great, @silverlady! And as the mother of a librarian, I salute you for your generous routine of gifting books. Funding seems to be an issue for so many local libraries these days.

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I often go the the Goodwill used bookstore about 40 minutes away. With the librarian on the phone, I will check out all of the authors that she wants. If they have anything that she wants, then I will purchase it. She almost always wants Dr. Seuss books. They get destroyed, or go missing a lot. Spending $50 there gets them about $800 worth of books that they would have to buy themselves. Well, actually, they wouldn’t be able to buy them.



I have a technical question that I didn’t see answered elsewhere (although admittedly I didn’t search too hard): Before the CC upgrade, we had page numbers, and now we have a scroll bar instead. In the old days, if I wanted to go back to our discussion questions, I could just click on page 1. Now (it seems), I have to scroll up through ALL the posts to go back. It’s a slow process; the bar moves in fits and starts and it can literally take several minutes to scroll up 150 posts. Is there a solution to this? I’ve given up even looking for earlier posts on long threads such as “one of the best books I’ve read…”

You must be their favorite patron!


Depends on what browser you use and what computer you have. But I click on CNTL and then on HOME and it takes me to the tippy top of the page right away.

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@VeryHappy, I’m on a MacBook Pro laptop. I have a “control” key, but no “home.” I haven’t found a magic shortcut yet to bop me back to the beginning of the thread.

Sorry, @Mary13 – then I can’t help you!! Try googling the question.

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In case I haven’t said it enough, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who participates in our discussions, whether as posters or lurkers.

I enjoyed reading Ayesha at Last and The One, and I love the variety of books we take on. On that note, I have started the thread for our April selection: Hamnet – April CC Book Club Selection


@Mary13 I’m usually on an iPad so this may not work for you. I click on the title of the thread and it takes me to the beginning of the thread.
I don’t like the scrolling bar either and cannot easily access a particular post when I want. However, for posts that I know I will look back at — I bookmark the post and then access it through my bookmarks.

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@Mary13 I agree with @AnAsmom. Bookmark the discussion question post and then go to your bookmarks and click on that post.