Azusa Pacific VS University of La verne

I’ve admitted to ULV and APU. Which is better between these two?

For what major? Cost differences? Which do you personally like better?

Gumbymom I’m interested in Business. How different about the tuition, environment or their academic? Actually, I really like the building and environment around APU.

The tuition costs is pretty similar, last time I checked. It seems that the course study at APU seems similar to that of most CSU.
ULV’s campus is prettier. APU has that silly division between West and East (with Citrus CC in between).

They are both pricey, though. What about CSUF or CalPoly Pomona?

APU is not AACSB accredited, LaVerne is.

Azusa is an evangelical Christian college that’s excellent if your main goal is to grow in your faith.
its business school is not AASCB accredited so if your priority is your business education, I’d pick La Verne.

Unless APU is way cheaper, the clear choice is LaVerne IMO if you’re serious about your career.