Bad dreams?

<p>For the past few weeks I've been having bad dreams almost every night-- I think you usually dream about what you're thinking about right before you fall asleep. It's probably the stress that's getting to me, but it sucks. I wake up and im like cr@p, real life is just as bad haha. So stressed! Is this happening to anyone else?</p>



<p>You're one of at least 2...though normal, I don't know.
I've had my scattered share of good and bad dreams pertaining to the current crap. I dont dream every night any more probably because I dont get enough sleep to dream...bad...i know. But the ones I have are mostly bad. I had a few nice ones where I knew vaguely I was accepted and was telling friends about my next year, getting ready to buy lots of crap, etc. But then there have been those not-so-nice ones. Like the one where I get rejected, quite vividly in this one, and feel sick to my stomach just like the time I broke up with my old b*tch!</p>

<p>Then there is that one where I am "playing" a game of hide and seek, yet I am not sure what my role in the game is - if I am running from my seeker, hiding, or if I am chasing something, seeking it. I ended up climbing the cornell tower which was styled like something from back in time. There were midievel metal latches that made the climb easier for me, and when I began to reach the final metal roof, etchings of encouraging messages guided me on. But then the latches became pointier and the messages became more deterring. I continued to the top anyway, and up there there was one of those compass bird things that move with the wind...forget what those are called...and I decided to climb onto it. But the wind grew strong and it started spinning. I let go and went flying down. I passed a lot of the iron latches but didn't grab any of them - instead I took out my cell phone and decided to take a video of my fall. Just after I hit the button I hit the ground. I entered that dissociated state that I enter when I die in my dreams. I suppose you can imagine what the cell phone captured...and the meaning of that dream is pretty obvious.</p>

<p>i wonder if anyone bothered to read through that...</p>

<p>I had a very vivid dream I got rejected from Princeton. Except my mailbox was a padlocked woodpecker hole. </p>

<p>I didn't even apply to Princeton!</p>