<p>Hello all. I've been lurking through these forums for quite some time, but I've finally decided I'd make an account today. I've looked up many "Bad Freshman Year" threads, but I haven't seen any that match up to my situation (not that my situation is particularly interesting or unique).</p>
<p>I finished freshman year with a 3.03 unweighted gpa, taking no honors classes. I just didn't give a ****. I had always wanted to attend a good college, but never really given much thought as to how I would do so. And so as I looked back at my freshman year, I began to panic. I decided on improving sophomore year. My goal was to get an A in every class except for a B in math. I also knew I'd have to take some honors classes, but I didn't quite know how I'd handle them and only ended up registering for one (English).
So, quarter 1 of my sophomore year comes to a close and my goals have so far been met. I've got a B in math and an A in everything else. At this point, I'm pretty pumped. I decided I'd move up to honors U.S. History and honors biology once quarter 2 started. However, before I got the chance to do so I got a concussion playing football (for the high school team). I miss the majority of quarter 2, and my class changes are no longer feasible. My parents and my doctor tell me I need to just focus on getting my makeup work done, and not to worry about whether or not it is A quality. These words frighten me.
I return to school a little before midterms, and attempt to get back in the swing of things. I barely got exempt from anything. I was given a lot of time to make up my work, but this didn't seem to ease my anxiety.
Fast forward to the end of the year (I realize I'm rambling here). I end up with a 3.55 gpa. My goal was to get a 3.8.
I'm now in the summer heading into my junior year and I'm taking honors chem, honors gov and econ, honors french, ap english language and composition, and cp precalc. I did the math, and even with a 3.9 gpa junior year my overall will end up as a 3.49. A 4.0 will get me a 3.52 overall. I see kids on here crying about getting a 3.5 their freshman year...I'll be lucky to end up with a 3.5 overall (I probably won't).</p>
<p>So my real question is, what are the top schools that I'll be able to get into? I wanted to go to a place like George Washington or NYU. Is that too unrealistic?</p>