Bad GPA, High ACT Chance??

<p>SAT I (by section): Should I take it?
SAT IIs: I'm thinking about taking Math II and Biology
ACT: 34 (E: 32, M: 33, R: 36, S: 34, Essay: 9)
APs: Biology, US Gov't, US History,
GPA: 3.63 unweighted, 3.69 weighted

<p>ECs: Tennis (Varsity), National Honor Society, Model United Nations (Public Relations Lead), History Club (Secretary), Ping Pong Club (President, Founding Member), Student Council, Debate Team (Varsity), Science Olympiad, WSDP Student Run radio (Sports Director, and 80s DJ)</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: ~10 hours a week at Papa Johns
Senior year classes:
AP Calculus AB
AP Psychology
AP English
Honors Physics
Honors Humanities I
Honors Philosophy
Honors International Relations
Volunteering: A lot through NHS, 30+ at a fitness center, 100+ hours at U of Michigan Health Center</p>

<p>State: Michigan
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Multiracial (White/Indian(Asian))
Gender: Male </p>

<p>(Was in a bad car accident before junior year, which explains the grade drop due to missing school and being preocupied and self concious about my condition. I hope to make this evident in my essays)</p>

<p>Colleges I'm looking at</p>

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Michigan State
Case Western
Urbana Champaign
NYU, Dubai </p>


<p>You are a very strong candidate for all your schools, with the exception of Northwestern (low reach) and Penn (high reach).</p>

<p>You have a pretty good ACT score. I would suggest taking some SATIIs in subjects you are strong in, it will help in most cases. NYUAD is going to be difficult, as I believe they’re only taking ~100 people this upcoming year, and I don’t expect that number to rise significantly next year.</p>

<p>NYUAD was a long shot, anyways. If my GPA were to drop to a lower 3.6, like a 3.62 or even 3.59 do I still have a shot at U of M?</p>

<p>UPenn –> reach
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor –> accepted
Michigan State –> accepted
Kentucky –> accepted
Case Western –> accepted
Urbana Champaign
Northwestern –> accepted
NYU, Dubai –> accepted</p>

<p>Those are my predictions, what is your major though?</p>



<p>Nope. Seeing that the OP is not an URM and has mediocre GPA, it will be rough chances.</p>

<p><a href=“Was%20in%20a%20bad%20car%20accident%20before%20junior%20year,%20which%20explains%20the%20grade%20drop%20due%20to%20missing%20school%20and%20being%20preocupied%20and%20self%20concious%20about%20my%20condition.%20I%20hope%20to%20make%20this%20evident%20in%20my%20essays”>quote=hotblunt</a>


<p>I think it is better if your counselor addresses it.
I think you will be reaches for NW, NYU, UPenn, and Michigan.
Try to have a flawless senior year to drastically boost up your chances.</p>

<p>Most likely rejection at UPenn.
Most likely acceptance at all the other schools.</p>

<p>Ann Arbor is my main concern. I am in state plus the ACT, but I’m worried about the GPA.</p>