Banneker/Key Scholarship

<p>Letters went out today! I got invited to the semifinalist interview thing :)</p>

<p>Live in Montgomery County, MD if you're interested.</p>

<p>Anybody else get one?</p>

<p>me too!!! it's pretty exciting</p>

<p>rats, I didn't get invited</p>

<p>fenshui did you get into gemstone? and if so, did you get your official gemstone invitation with your bannker invitation?</p>

<p>my gemstone invite came in a seperate envelope from my banneker/key one. The gemstone one is like the accpetance packet but the banneker/key is smaller.</p>

<p>Haha no I still haven't gotten into gemstone yet :P</p>

<p>hey fengshui... what are your SATs/gpa, if you dont mind me asking?</p>

<p>mine areee 800M/750CR/710W, 3.8 UW and 4.54 W (with 9 APs and a ton of extracurriculars, so my lack of a 4.0 isn't from laziness hehe.. hopefully) </p>

<p>i wanted the banneker/key so badly, and i haven't gotten aan invitation. some of my friends got it last year, and we have the exact same "numbers"</p>

<p>im from MoCo too... mannnnn.. lol.. i wonder why i didn't get it</p>

<p>ps..... i'm a white female.. maybe that killed it for me</p>

<p>I'm an indian male, my race ain't helpin. Ummm numbers are 800M/790CR/760W and 4.80 W and 4.0 UW, 9 APs, lots and lots of ECs too. We're pretty even.</p>

<p>I'm not sure why they picked me over you. It's weird. <em>shrugs</em> Nice screenname though ;)</p>


<p>ohhhh wow congratulations!!!!!!!!! =) i'm glad you got it.. wow you're smart. haha.</p>

<p>thanks for tellin me.. i just wanted to make sure at least one person got it who deserved it ;)</p>

<p>good luck on your interview!!!</p>
