<p>I received really good financial aid from a certain university which constituted a huge institutional grant and a bunch of loans. But this certain university is not my top choice. My top choice school offered me considerably less. My question is, can I somehow convince my top choice to give me more using the good FA as leverage? How would I go about this? Thanks.</p>
<p>Bump, bump.</p>
<p>What are the names of the two universities and how much financial aid did you get at each university? :)</p>
<p>Bargaining does not usually work but it never hurts to try. :)</p>
<p>If this was need based aid, you need to demonstrate to the lower offer school WHY you need to have your need adjusted upward. It’s worth a try…sometimes schools make adjustments and sometimes they won’t even discuss the financial aid award.</p>
<p>The two schools are Syracuse and Pitt, its weird because Pitt is public and costs less to begin with. Is it true that public schools tend to give out significantly less aid?</p>