<p>Well, I thought I’d start a thread for those of us applying to Barnard as transfer students for next fall!
I’m currently a freshman at a quite large, public university in Montana.</p>
<p>Where are you guys transferring from? How are your applications coming along?</p>
I’m really interested in Barnard and I hope to transfer there in fall 2011. I come from a large private university in Massachusetts, and I’m also looking at some other liberal arts colleges along the east coast.</p>
<p>Sweet! What are the other schools that you’re looking at?</p>
<p>I’m looking at Bryn Mawr, Smith, Mount Holyoke, Skidmore, and Wellesley so far. Maybe Bucknell, and maybe some other schools in Maine. What other schools are you looking at?</p>
<p>I’m sort of looking at University of Washington and also Reed, but Barnard is definitely my top choice at the moment. Have you ever visited the campus? I haven’t… I was actually in New York about a year ago and I could have visited, but I didn’t know about Barnard then! Haha. Very unfortunate.</p>
<p>No I have never visited Barnard before. I don’t even think I’ve been to the Morningside Heights neighborhood. I’m probably going to visit sometime in January. I really have no idea what to expect from the campus, but I’m excited to check it out.</p>
<p>If any of your got in as transfer applicants, I’m really interested to know how many of your credits transfered. Please keep me updated!</p>
<p>@ prinanp. Did you already get in? I sent my application a month ago and I haven’t received any notifications!</p>
<p>i havent heard anything either! when should we hear?</p>
<p>@misunderstood we probably wont hear til Late April Early May</p>