Barnard Waitlist 2026

I mean I think by “not closed yet,” I’m guessing they mean that they are waiting for waitlist movements within their currently enrolled class. They probably have like a good amount of people now and won’t be picking anyone off the waitlist anytime soon unless someone decides to withdraw and enroll at another school.

I called their AO earlier this morning and confirmed what the rest of this thread has been saying: they still do not have a final count on the incoming class, so the waitlist remains open (and has not been used from what the operator told me). The best they could give me was to remain patient for the next few weeks while they gather a final number and (hopefully) offer a spot to some of us off the wailist.


So does that mean that no one got in yet from the waitlist? What about the three or so people who said on this thread they got in?


I’m not sure… they weren’t able to give me too many details about the waitlist process, unfortunately.

Odd you were told that. You should perhaps ask to speak to a financial aid officer. Barnard is need aware for wait listed students. It is in their financial aid policy.

Getting in off the Wait List is a real long-shot these days, regardless of your FA status. The pressure of numbers means that chances are slim. Still, there is hope. Just don’t pester the admissions officers as that can hurt your cause. What will make a difference is if you have since won some sort of national or international honor, and major external scholarship or award etc.

Any updates?

I haven’t heard anything :frowning:

Any updates?

Do you think the waitlist is closed and they are just holding off on telling us?

Maybe they aren’t officially closing it in case a couple of students drop out in August?

i hope so. i just wish they would say something

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Any updates?

I don’t think so. Does anybody know of anybody else who got off?

Any updates?

Should I give up hope? My admissions counselor told me to “lean into the college experience.” Is this a sign that I won’t get in?

who is your counselor? what an odd thing to say

What was the email about?

I just asked her if she had any updates and that was her reply.

That was her only message back?