Barnard Waitlist 2027

We are in the same boat. Trying to figure it out too. Maybe they need to update something else or send more info. Argh!!!

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Portal updated with acceptance info. Just paid our $500.

See everyone in the fall!!!


congrats everyone! i didn’t get anything so is it safe to assume that it’s over? i had a little hope but I’m assuming they contacted everyone they wanted :(((

Are you sure they contacted everyone they wanted? There’s still hope for after May 1st or the day of May 1st to be contacted right?

Waitlists typically have the most movement after May 1st. They do not know their final enrollment numbers until after the deadline. Sometimes schools admit people as late as July and August. It’s not over until they formally close it.

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Has anyone gotten off the WL who didn’t get the email for the reply form? I feel like they haven’t contacted everyone yet, just a first wave.

congrats! may I ask what kinds of video materials you submitted?

Based on last year’s thread, there was a batch of people coming off the waitlist soon after May 1 once they had some final-ish commit numbers. That seemed to be the last major batch. After that, it seemed to be single admits replacing people who de-committed. The latest acceptance was in July, which is a bit insane.

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When you guys got your acceptance did they also send you your financial aid package in that email or on your portal right away?

Also I hope nobody minds me for prying a bit but did anyone accepted off the waitlist receive really good financial aid? I know that @DigitalDad linked an article previously saying they were aiming to give 25% more financial aid to students but I just wanted to know if I may have a shot since I’m low income. I’m not expecting a full ride but anything decent would help.

I would expect that later this week, now that they have their final numbers, they’ll reach out to more people.

Last week they were just trying to still get a hold of some people before those committed elsewhere, to fill some already “definitely open” spots early.

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I did receive that email and replied to it as soon as I got it. Good luck!

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Thank you! As applicants, we are not allowed to attach the letters ourselves. Rather, we have to go by either or our high school counselor or have our recommenders send it directly to You can also email to whitelist your recommenders’ emails so that it doesn’t go into their spam folder. For some reason, they only received one of my recommendations, but as per their instructions, they said to have the recommenders or high school counselor email it directly to the aforementioned email, Personally, I followed up with the waitlist email to confirm whether or not they received all the materials I submitted.

As for any video materials, I would paste the links (youtube links) on the waitlist update form (you can submit that form multiple times). That’s what admissions recommended for me. I would submit the link to your research paper as a link on the waitlist update form (that way they’ll surely see it) — don’t recommend emailing it.

The AO didn’t respond to my emails, but did. I would recommend them for any questions, concerns, or action items you might have. They replied within 1-2 days each time I emailed them.

I did, in fact, submit an SAT score.

Hope this helped! Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any more questions! Wishing you the best of luck!

Thank you! Absolutely! I submitted the video for a TEDx talk I did in March, and the arts (vocal) portfolio I never had a chance to submit. I mentioned in the additional information section when originally applying to Barnard, that I was to do a TEDx talk in March, however, I felt that the actual video would give them great perspective into how I really am as a living, breathing person, as opposed to just a LOCI.

The vocal portfolio video included various Indian and Western music styles, and when applying I felt that they didn’t have a category that applied to what music I did. I let them know the context of my portfolio and sent a Youtube link.

Hope this helped, and best of luck!

I was wondering if a call from my guidance counselor or assistant principal may help.

Highly unlikely. That’s more likely to harm than help. The AOs aren’t likely even to take the call, since they’d be flooded with calls like this if it could help. Plus, what could they possibly say that would sway the AOs?

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Is it too late to submit extra recommendation letters?

anyone from texas/southwest get off the waitlist?

also, has anyone who didnt get the barnard “level of interest” (the one asking if barnard was a top choice) email gotten off of the waitlist?

At this point, you don’t have anything to lose, so why not submit it? They can’t reject you more.

But they are busy tabulating the final commit numbers and building the list of offers for the post-May 1st wave, so they probably don’t have time to read new material.