Barnard Waitlist 2027

I’ll probably submit my 3rd quarter grades as 1 last shot to get my name out there and hopefully get off the waitlist. I’ve submitted everything I could and there’s nothing else to lose anyways. Best case scenario if I do get off the waitlist, I just saved them extra time from checking my final year transcript and proved to them that I’m still working hard without letting senioritis affect too much.

I just attached two research papers and sent them in. I realize they probably won’t read them (one is 21 pages and the other is 35) but I’m just doing everything I can to get off.


I just submitted my grades and a link to a documentary that I only mentioned but I linked the actual video this time. Hopefully, we get off the waitlist this week with good financial aid :crossed_fingers:

I wonder if we’ll be hearing back as soon as tomorrow or Wednesday now that Barnard should have a clearer view of their numbers and who’s actually attending the school after tonight.

Probably from Wednesday on as they crunch numbers and figure out how many students they need from the waitlist. Then they choose, send out the calls, and see who enrolls.

i emailed my regional AO last month to ask about LOCIs and she replied super fast but I emailed again a few days ago to ask how I could go about sending in my research and she never replied. i sent over an email to and they replied very quickly and confirmed the receipt of my papers! just wanted you all to know in case you want to send in something extra and don’t know where to go

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I did a research paper for my AP research class but I did it in a very through extent can I include that as well or is that considered in school activity?

has there been any waitlist action today or yesterday?

Nope. But to be fair, they just released the 1st batch of acceptances of the waitlist less then a week ago. Plus decision day was yesterday so they still gotta go through the waitlists and calculate who would be a good fit for class of 2027.

I would probably keep a look out starting tomorrow considering the office is closed now but hopefully there are spots left. Especially since I don’t see many people talking about getting into Barnard on social media but I could be wrong and not just notice. Either way, all we can do be patient

I would speak to the GC and ask them what they think, they will know better what their relationship is with Barnard and also what your GC suggests you should do

I mean the question is are they going to even read your emails and respond, especially since they are busy. Because based on what I know, most AOs don’t really respond and/or are super busy.

As for the GC, I mean it wouldn’t hurt to try

We really don’t know what could happen from here on, since its been so inconsistent these last years. For the class of 25 all of the waitlist acceptances happened between April 15th and the 28th with nothing after May 1st. Last year it looks like there were a handful of acceptances the last week of April with another handful May 2nd - 6th. They have definitely accepted quite a few people already, but they are still emailing and accepting materials from waitlisted candidates and saying they will be reviewed. Whether that’s for in the event of withdrawal or because of another wave is really impossible to tell.


It’s definitely nerve wracking considering that we can’t even figure out how things will go from now on. This year feels so different from before and it just seems so confusing. All we can do is keep moving and hope for the best. It definitely doesn’t help now that they’ve slimmed down the spots offer in half compared to when we were freshman and seeing class of 2020 apply….

I think it’s always been like this and the pandemic is just an anomaly. I recall hearing that pandemic waitlists were exponentially greater due to enrollment uncertainty

I wonder about the likelihood of hearing back this week anymore given the odd admit pattern these past years

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I received an urgent reply form at around 4:30 A.M. PST. I think they will be using the waitlist again!


Barnard please save me this week :sob:

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Ahh congrats!! Can I ask if you needed financial aid?