Barnard Waitlist 2027

I originally applied for financial aid, but I emailed the admissions office to withdraw my financial aid application once I got put on the waitlist!

Fr :sob:

So basically the only way to get off at this point is not need financial aid? :sob:

So are you going to be paying full tuition or taking out loans? Or can you try to negotiate for some financial aid after you’ve gotten accepted?

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Just FYI, based on Reddit postings, a new batch of emails just went out for people (probably) coming off the waitlist.

I believe Barnard is need aware for the waitlist.

I got the urgent reply email this morning and replied to it but haven’t yet been emailed a call time. For those who got off the waitlist earlier, how long after you replied were you scheduled a call if you don’t mind me asking?

It was a day between when our daughter got the initial email and the second email with a fixed call time. The second email was sent in the morning and scheduled a call that afternoon. I think the AOs tend to make the calls in the afternoon/evening. They probably want to give everyone a day to respond and then schedule their calls in as big of a block as possible.


Got it, thanks so much! I was scared they changed their minds lol

Did anyone ask for aid to those who were admitted?

I didn’t get an email unfortunately :frowning: I need a good amount of financial aid though. I’m assuming that if us waitlisted people who didn’t get an email today won’t be getting another call unless someone withdraws. I think this is the last big wave and then there might be a couple more here and there if someone unenrolled or declines a waitlist which is close to impossible. :frowning:

We are not asking for aid.

So this is it…?

It’s not over until they formally decline us but yes it’s safe to assume there won’t be anymore waves in my opinion

Can’t say for sure, but I would guess this is the last sizable batch. After this, it will just be filling gaps or replacing de-commits.

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I just got my urgent reply email as well. About 7:30 AM but I didn’t see it until now

Did you need fin aid?

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no i didn’t ://

So basically either get no financial aid and attend or don’t go…


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