Barnard Waitlist 2027

My DD also received the urgent reply email this morning, 5/3, around 7:30am ET. She completed the form. Now we wait. She will not be applying for financial aid.

Yup us with need in aid are unlucky. However, Barnard does take spring transfers if you’re interested in going that badly! I might apply.

The problem is there is no guaranteed housing so it’s always a lose-lose one way or another. :woman_facepalming:

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I guess I’ll see whether I should ask for aid or not anymore. Maybe I’ll transfer in the spring or I’ll just stick to BU and go to Columbia for law school :pensive:

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Yeah and it says they’re need aware for fall transfers not sure about spring :confused: I wish I applied ED. I applied RD and didn’t really think about it and didn’t fall in love until I was waitlisted

So either way they’re need aware? :cold_sweat:

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Then I’ll either might as well try to not apply for aid and see if I can negotiate something next year or transfer into Columbia because they’re need blind and just take some Barnard classes. Even if the core would be a pain to complete…. Either way this situation sucks.

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if any of you who get off the waitlist decide to decline… let us know!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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They don’t even let ppl apply for financial aid if they’re spring transfers ! :frowning: And they’re need aware for fall transfers. Can’t win either way I’m afraid

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At this rate, a waitlist is worse than a rejection…especially given Barnard’s small endowment so they don’t have the funds to give financial to waitlist/transfer students :unamused:


So what I’m hearing is that waitlist isn’t going to be open quite soon?

Maybe if you’re willing to give up financial aid for that academic year, then maybe you might hear something back in late may. Other than that, I would start falling in love with the school you committed to because unless you transfer (which by what we’ve just learned doesn’t give financial aid for transfers either), you’re probably not getting in.

There might be another large wave if we’re lucky but most likely it will be 1-1 individual contact from now on :woman_shrugging:

is the urgent reply form email a guarantee off the waitlist? or is that still another round of confirmation before they pick people

Based on the pattern, it’s a guaranteed off the waitlist if you still are interested in Barnard. They wanna see people who are willing to go Barnard, no financial strings (on their end) attached before they make the call. Even though Barnard does get back to people slightly quicker than other top schools on average, sometimes people give up after they’ve committed and decide to emotionally attach themself to that college instead so they wanna make sure they’re not wasting their time.

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it’s guarantee unless you reply that it’s not ur first choice anymore

I will be paying full tuition! I applied for financial aid to see if I got any, but I didn’t know if it would hurt my chances getting off the waitlist so I just asked for my financial aid application to be withdrawn.

If you don’t mind me asking, do they offer no-interest loans on your financial aid package or is it all out of pocket?

Did anyone get off the waitlist and applied for financial aid? Also was there anyone who got the email reply form but didn’t get called last week?

So far I think only 1 international student during the 1st wave of releases get a little bit of aid but that’s about it. Everyone else appears to be paying full tuition