Barnard Waitlist 2027

Also will you be able to apply for financial next year? And how much is it per semester? I’m sorry if those sounds intrusive but I wanna know a little more about the process of paying full aid since I might be considering revoking my financial aid status for that year

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Do you think there may be people who got aid and just haven’t posted? Like confirmation bias or am I being delusional to hold hope lol

I mean even if there were people, I wouldn’t be surprised if the chances of getting financial aid has diminished to essentially zero now that their financial aid budget must be blown through.

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last year there was a girl who received financial aid. but again, they’re also aware of how much financial aid you need, so that person couldve only needed a bit.

there seems to be a lot more full pay people get off the waitlist this year though, or maybe that’s just how it’s always been. I’m hoping that there’s another wave but I’m being delulu

I swear someone needs to take on for the team an email BSAR who got off the waitlist and find out what they did about financial aid because I might consider it based on what my dad says and if I’m allowed to apply for financial aid the rest of the three years because I don’t think I wanna go to Massachusetts anymore ngl…

I wonder if I should email the finaid office and ask them if their budget has dried up. Better move on now than keep hoping throughout the summer.

If you do please let us know if they answer

i read some of the previous years threads and apparently a lot of people who applied financial aid got a formal rejection email and a lot of people who didn’t apply for financial aid didn’t get that email, so they might do the same this year and start rejecting financial aid applicants and keep full pay ones in consideration. however in that thread there still wasn’t much movement.

according to previous years, barnard is notorious for keeping us waiting until late July and even august. one of my friends got her formal rejection while moving into her dorm, insane…

I’m wondering if there’s going to be another wave, but I doubt it. i think now it’ll just be to fill in the gaps of people who didn’t accept their waitlist spot or changed their mind about committing. i called admissions a couple days ago, they’re no help. my parents and I discussed being full pay for a year today, not sure if it’ll even help changing it now though because I feel as though there won’t be more spots…

I mean you might as well switch to full pay if you’re willing so don’t get automatically disqualified

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we don’t know if that’s the case though

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i did! but I wish I had earlier, it could’ve helped. i feel like i did it too late.

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Yeah but it’s not like anyone over here is getting a full ride from Barnard. At least not this year. Honestly, it’s a miracle they gave money to a couple waitlisted people at all. Might as well switch if you can and if you can’t then move on or start preparing to transfer

Hi everyone! Just wanted to add to the conversation. At about 10AM EST today I got an urgent reply email. Some info about my application/what I sent after receiving the wait list offer:

-2 LOCIs (where I said I would enroll immediately if offered a position; 1 sent on March 30 and the other around April 10)
-1 extra letter of rec
-not applying for financial aid
-domestic US student

Please ask any questions if you have them. I’ll keep updating on here and good luck to everyone!

I chose not to apply for financial aid this year so if I get accepted, I’ll see how it goes

i got the email this morning! once they call you, how long do you have to decide whether or not to commit?

Has anyone who got the urgent reply email yesterday received an email with a call time scheduled yet?

I got the urgent reply email yesterday at 7:30 but didn’t get the second email with a call time yet either

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i havent :confused:

same :persevere: but let’s keep our fingers crosses and remain hopeful!

Yeah they are definitely not in as much of a rush as last week since it’s already after May 1st and probably have a lot of other things to do, but this is so stressful