Barnard Waitlist 2027

Hi everyone,

I GOT IN!!! Some details:

-On the urgent reply form, I indicted that I wanted to be called between 3-7PM
-So, I got the email about scheduling a time to call at 3 PM
-I got the call shortly after.

If anyone has specific questions on what I put into LOCIs, what my application looked like, or what the process is like, send me a message on here (College confidential) and I’d be happy to tell yall more about it.


Yay congrats!!! So you were emailed right before the actual call?

when did you recieve the urgent reply form? when did you turn it in?

Hi everyone! My daughter was offered a spot in the 2027 class today via phone, after receiving and replying to the “urgent” email she received yesterday. She was given until Tuesday to decide. She is very excited but now needs to decide whether she really wants to decline the school she committed to. She is a potential Economics major and submitted a LOCI, mid-semester grades and an additional recommendation from a peer after being waitlisted. She is also full pay, which I’m sure helps. Best of luck to everyone here, I’m glad movement on the list is still happening!

Congrats to her!!! Hoping that they do another wave with some declining their spot. I’m desperate to get off ahh, I changed my status to full pay yesterday, should’ve done it earlier though :frowning:

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i was sent the reply form yesterday, responded yesterday evening, and haven’t gotten a call yet… did i mess something up?

same with me…

My D just got the call and has been accepted in the SF Bay Area. Received email Wednesday morning, which she responded to asap, then received an email earlier today to confirm good time to call and then finally, got the call at about 4pm PT today. The whole admissions rollercoaster has been gruelling and draining. We are beyond thrilled. For those that got that email, I am sure they will be calling you soon! Wishing all, the very best.

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what exactly did you submit for extra materials?
Did you apply for financial aid?

I recieved the urgent reply form the day before they called me at about 10AM EST and I turned it in at about 10:30AM EST the same day.

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Yes, I was emailed at 3PM and the call was scheduled at 3:15

I sent 2 LOCI and one extra teacher letter of rec. I did not apply for financial aid

I was not asking for aid when I first applied and I kept it that way.

So the spaces left are only for those can afford the college :/?

Seems like they can’t afford to take anyone who can’t lol

do you guys think there will be any big movements from now on? Or would it just be individuals that get off

I just got my call! good luck to everyone else I hope you guys all get emails :///


got my call this morning

From all the posts I’m seeing on here and on reddit, this was a pretty big batch. Unless many decline their waitlist acceptances I doubt there will be any big movements again.

Are they all applicants that don’t need aid?