Barnard Waitlist 2027

Like email wise?


I already called them and they didn’t didn’t give any info apart from the email

Envisioning 100 identical emails hitting their inboxes :smiley:

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Maybe I’ll wait until Thursday to send an email because I don’t wanna do it too soon after just calling and bother them too much but I also don’t want to wait too long since June is approaching fast


CC chats of other ivy schools are also talking about lack of WL movement. After the first wave, Barnard seem to be doing something similar. Colleges may have admitted more students during ED as a result RD has become more competitive. Couple of kids from my D’s HS, who took less challenging courses than my D, got into UPenn. They were also not national merit scholars. My D was rejected from UPenn. I don’t know their grades though. I wonder if others have similar observations.

ED applications for class of 2026: 1,501
ED applications for class of 2027: 1,671 (+11%)

Both years they stated that about 60% of class being admitted via ED - so no significant effect on RD. If anything, ED has gotten more competitive, and RD slightly less so.

(I’m unclear though, how that relates to waitlist movement - which essentially is controlled by people having not enrolled in April, not enrolled after being offered a spot from waitlist, or withdrawing enrollment now.)


Still, why would they send out an email to get our hopes up if it’s just going to be a bust? I thought they usually send out that email when they have a better idea of who they need to take off the wl and they call everyone who gets the email and responds that they are interested in Barnard still?

Yes - I agree.
I suspect they might have preparing a call list, reaching out to more people than open spots, because naturally not everyone will still respond affirmatively on the phone, or follow-up on the email.

They may have expected to end up with fewer people than what responded to the email.

But again - that’s pure speculation on my end!

So basically the rest of us are left hanging with little to no chance of getting an official call atp? I mean the end of May is approaching and usually there’s little to no activity in June unless someone magically gets off the wl somewhere else over the summer

Based on prior years, colleges may be entering the phase where they have essentially filled their classes (from ED, RD + WL). Any future withdrawal at any of the highly-selective colleges will then cause a one-by-one domino effect that ripples through a few wait lists.

I’m pretty sure if u got the email then ur getting the call since from what I’m hearing, they ask what time ur available to call, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to ask unless they wanted to. they’re probably just busy, I think ur gonna get ur call soon


I hope so :sweat_smile: But I guess for now I should try to focus on BU and getting through my last 2 full weeks of school. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get a call by the end of May but we’ll see :woman_shrugging:


did you ever hear back? rooting for you


Not yet because of memorial day weekend but I’m calling them to extend my call window so that way they see I’m more available in case they call

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They sent out the portal info (which they previously said they wait to send out till the class of '27 is finalized) so sadly, I don’t think you’ll get a call unless a student pulls out.

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Yeah I realized that after the representative stated that they’ll call IF they are in a position to take more space so it seems like I got the short end of the stick with that email and the timing. Go figures :unamused: So I’m probably going to work on my supplements for Columbia over the summer and work on transferring there. No point in revisiting Barnard since they’re need aware and don’t even guarantee housing :woman_shrugging: It really sucks since I thought I would get that call soon like everyone else but oh well


I’m so sorry that happened to you :frowning: I feel like everything happens for a reason and I’m sure that you’ll graduate with radiance and happiness wherever it is, im truly rooting for you at Columbia but know that wherever you will be, you’ll shine!!

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I was thinking on transferring to Columbia too, do you know when we can transfer? Like for spring semester or next fall semester?

Thank you! I know you’ll thrive on where you’re going as well! If you do decide to transfer, I wish you luck on your journey!

Columbia only does fall transfers because They guarantee housing.