Barnes Scholarship

My Barnes Scholarship disappeared from my admissions portal, did this happen to anyone else? Should I be concerned?

@squid123 , did you apply ED, EA or RD? My daughter was deferred EA and her Barnes Scholarship essay and letter of Rec are still on her portal. That is strange that yours disappeared, but I don’t think it is anything to worry about.

@squid123, have you heard anything at all about the Barnes Scholarship from CC? My daughter has heard nothing. I am curious if they notify only the students that get it or if they notify the students that do not get it also.

The daughter was accepted EA and was told she name the alternate for the Barnes Scholarship (Biology / Math)

Did she receive it?

@Hillcrestian, My daughter was notified on April 13th that she was the first alternate for the Otis Barnes Scholarship (Chemistry) and that she got it. Three years ago, my son was notified on April 27 that he was getting the Margaret Barnes Scholarship (math/natural science). Alternates do get the scholarship.