I know Clifss is still standard, but I want to know which one is more better in terms of information, between Barron's and Student Study Guide for Campbell Biology.</p>
<p>Which one is better?</p>
I know Clifss is still standard, but I want to know which one is more better in terms of information, between Barron's and Student Study Guide for Campbell Biology.</p>
<p>Which one is better?</p>
<p>Why is nobdy answering my question, when i need most help!!</p>
<p>Almost all your threads are about AP Bio or the SAT I…
Anyway, I heard CliffsAP AP Biology prep book is very good and is <em>probably</em> the only prep book that one needs, but if you want to complement that book, Barron’s would be a nice second choice. You might have to do your own research to find out whether Barron’s or Princeton Review would be better; however, I can tell you that almost everyone (except for very few) has recommended CliffsAP.</p>
<p>After looking at your other threads, I would advise against using all the prep books you are planning on using. It might be counterproductive to try to memorize all the information in ten AP Biology prep books… personally, I would focus on absorbing as much information as I could from one prep book that is highly recommended than purchasing a multitude of other books.</p>
<p>Good luck! :)</p>