AP Biology Studying?

Since there are only roughly five months to prepare for the test, I am starting to review for AP Bio test. Is it alright to use Campbell Biology Study Guide & Holzclaw for AP Bio class and use Barron's & Cliffs & Princeton Review (for brief review) to review for AP Bio exam??</p>

<p>I think you’re good. having TOO many review books isnt a good thing either, because how can you find time to memorize every single page?</p>

<p>How helpful are Barron’s and TPR AP Biology?</p>

<p>What I am planning to do (I cannot return the prep books since the due dates are over) is that I want to use Cliff-Student Study Guide (Campbell) for in-class studying, and use either Cliff-Student Study Guide or Cliff-Barron’s for AP review. TPR & Sparknotes for questions and practice tests. What do you think? Which is better, Student Study Guide or Barron’s?</p>

<p>You can also get [AP</a> Biology Notes](<a href=“http://etestnotes.com/apreviewguides/courseselect.html]AP”>http://etestnotes.com/apreviewguides/courseselect.html) from websites like etestnotes.</p>