Barron's Math Workbook For The New SAT

<p>My math score is around a 600. If I wanted to get an 800 or a score in the high 700s, would this book cut it for me?</p>

<p>Barrons math workbook is not a good predictor for the SAT math. First of all the math review explanations are soo simplistic and general that people don't even have to look at them and its ironic that some questions in the back are pretty challenging.</p>

<p>I don't understand; isn't Barron's Math Woorkbook For The New SAT supposed to overprepare one?</p>

<p>What's a good really good Math review book then?</p>

<p>Tiberious ur right, it does overprepare you.The kalpan math workbooks is pretty good.
have you done the practice tests from the CB BLUE BOOK AND THE PR 11 SAT's.... theres really no excuse for no doing the practice tests and they shall really help u boost your score...</p>

<p>i think the mcgraw hill is pretty good</p>

<p>it seems pretty good at reviewing the basic styles of questions but the difficult questions in barrons don't seem like the difficult ones in the Blue Book (e.g. they are not as good at coming up with tricky questions as ETS seems to be)</p>