Barron's Prep Book Biology Diagnostic Test

<p>I got a 590 on the Biology Diagnostic Test from the Barron's book. It forced me to take M also, but I am going to take E, and I did much better on that section. Now, a lot of people on the forum say that Barron's is much harder than the real test. If I were to take the real Biology E exam, with around a 600 on the diagnostic, what do you think that would translate to?</p>

<p>I got the same thing from the diagnostic last year, but managed to get an 800 on the E when the test came around. Still, on the Barron’s practice tests I was taking before the real test, I was still getting in the 700s. So I’d say you can add about 100 to a Barron’s score to get a realistic score. </p>

<p>If you can get as high as 600 before even starting the book, I’m sure by the time you’re done with it you’ll be scoring well into the 700s on the practice tests.</p>

<p>Do you think that’s the same for Math 2 with the Barron’s book? I got a 710 on the diagnostic, and it was SOOOOO HARD… I almost cried in the middle of it haha</p>

<p>Meh, 710 isn’t a score to cry about; that’s great for starting!</p>

<p>When I did that one, there were a couple of really weird questions on the Barron’s tests that seemed much harder than everything else; nothing like that showed up on the real thing, though. Add maybe 50-ish to get a realistic score?</p>

<p>A 710 is a great score to get on the Barrons diagnostic test… if you take a few more practice tests you can probably guarantee a 770-800 on the real thing. The Barrons tests are always significantly harder. There are many people on this site that report that their Barrons tests range in the low 700s or high 600s and they score 800s on the real exam.</p>

<p>Not positive about the Biology score translations, but I’m guessing high 600s? That’s probably not a comfortable range, so I’d suggest reading the book carefully and thoroughly. You should be scoring much higher after you finish the review.</p>