Baruch College: What are my chances?

<p>I have several questions. First here is a quick summary of my grades.
-3.2 GPA (lackluster freshman year is pulling this down. Junior year was over 3.6.)
-1750 SAT (590 CR and 600 Math)
-26 ACT (I will re-take it this fall. I took the test in the spring when i had a terrible sickness and was in no condition to take a 4 hour long test. I am expecting a 28-30)
-5 AP Classes- Including SUPA Economics which i will take this year.
-I will have an amazing letter of recommendation from a CEO whom i am an intern for.
-I participate in DECA, FBLA, Chess Club and several other in-school clubs.
-And of course, I will also send in an essay.
Oh and i also go to a very good High School. It is Ranked 195 Nationally according to US News. Does this help?</p>

<p>What are the odds of me getting accepted?
And does Baruch give out scholarships? What are the chances i get one?</p>

<p>By the way i will apply to the Zicklin School of Business for either Economics or Entrepreneurial Management, or maybe double major in both.</p>