<p>I am currently taking basic biology as a general education class. The professor made it clear that the class is for student who needs to take a class with a lab for graduate or transfer. I found the lecture to be alright, it's the old stuff that we learned back in high school. Sometimes, I don't understand what she is asking, but no big deal. </p>
<p>However, I really have a headache with the lab. I still only have a vague idea of how to use the microscope. I can't even tell which nose piece is 10X, 43X, or 97X, or whatever the magnification is. There are three of them, but only one is labeled with 43X. So how exactly does this work again? I tried to watch some tutorials on Youtube, but still didn't quite get everything.</p>
<p>What do you guys do in your biology lab? Anything more complicated beside looking at things from a microscope, draw some pictures, and take notes? I hate that bloody microscope already. And we are going to have a lab quiz as well. Does anyone ever have it before? If the quiz involves looking at things with the scope and answering questions, I think I am dead meat.</p>