Bates v. wellesley?

<p>differences? similarities?</p>

<p>obvious differences: Bates is co-ed and Wellesley is all girls; Bates is in a rather shabby old mill city in Maine and Wellesley is in a very lovely suburb of Boston. Both are excellent schools and will demand much of you.</p>

<p>weird! i was actually choosing between the two for ED! I actually ended up not picking either. I loved Bates, but the location is my only drawback. I came to the conclusion that if Bates were in the town of Wellesley, I would go in a hearbet. If Wellesley were in the town of Lewiston, I would never go. So I realized that as a school i liked Bates more. So think about it that way I guess. Take your biggest drawback to each and then switch them around and decide which you like better. I actually decided to apply to Bates ED2. I am still definitely applying to Wellesley regular decision.</p>