Batten down the hatches

<p>We are so terribly, terribly sorry about all the loss and devastation. Our entire family has been praying constantly for all of Alabama, especially for the cities of Tuscaloosa and Birmingham. We are especially grieved to hear that several students died. Just sorrier than words can say.</p>

<p>I keep hearing that many of the Dining Hall workers are missing. Makes me think that some/many of them either lived in rural parts that were hit or lived in the apts on the south side of campus that were hit.</p>

<p>I hope so. Bama Dining says they had over 20 workers unaccounted for. :/</p>

<p>For food and clothing donations: Temporary Emergency Services Center on 15th and Queen St. The Rec Center is closing down as emergency relief center. We brought down from PA boxes of pasta and sauce, courtesy of the Italian Sisters from my school. The volunteers said that there is great need of plastic utensils, paper plates, can openers to open canned food donations. They’ve had people coming in from other states bringing in donations of clothing and food.</p>

<p>There is a boiled water advisory for the town. We could not drink tap water and juice machine in the hotel was down. Bottled water was being given away. OK to wash up with the water, though.</p>

<p>sophocles- thanks for your help today. Hunter said it went well!</p>

<p>Total dittos. Can’t thank you enough sophocles. Safe travels back, because of you and hubby he’s back to laid back mode. I really hope to meet up with you in August. I’d love to meet as many of you (my support group) as I can.</p>

<p>Checking in from the Harvest/Monrovia area of Madison County. First chance I’ve hardtack spotty 3G coverage only iPad from Verizon.</p>

<p>I cannot believe the devastation in Tuscaloosa. It is so horrible. I’ve been able to see a little, but still don’t know nearly as much as I’d like to know.</p>

<p>My neighborhood was hit bad around noon on Wednesday, just a 1/4 mile down the street from my house. Lots of trees and power lines down on houses and across the streets. DD saw one small tornado cross in front of the Taco Bell where she works later that afternoon. No damage to her building, just their outdoor sign.</p>

<p>The tornado that hit Anderson Hills also partially destroyed my church and a small area of houses on it’s way to the church. I posted a video on YouTube. Just search for Ford’s Chapel April 27 tornado. several church families lost their homes, but they’re all alive the best I know. </p>

<p>We’re running on generator power, with very spotty cell phone and iPad coverage. When I can get online, connection is very slow. It may be the middle to the end of next week before my area of Madison County has power.</p>

<p>I’m still trying to find out about some of DD’s former high school classmates. Is there a list of names anywhere of those injured or deceased? I think most if not all lived on campus, so I’m hoping they’re okay.</p>

<p>We’ve been driving up into TN to get gas for the generator, and there’s damage there as well, but not as concentrated or as severe. Madison County is very bad, yet is still nowhere near as bad as Tuscaloosa, since Tuscaloosa was hit in a much more densely-populated area.</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with all who have lost loved ones.</p>

<p>^So good to hear from you! Have you seen the area around Pulaski Pike or Oakwood University?</p>

<p>The Tuscaloosa Police department will be issuing a list with the names of the deceased tomorrow afternoon.</p>

<p>Shrinkrap, my parents live very close to Pulaski Pike and Winchester Road in Huntsville. That area had some trees down from the first storm that went through. However, the major damage that happened in the afternoon was well north of that area. Haven’t heard of any damage in the Oakwood College area. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>It does, thanks!</p>


<p>Do you have family or friends at Oakwood or in the HSV area?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if Sam’s Club is okay?
After we drop off the first load of donations, I want to pick up other items.</p>

<p>i didnt go there, but i think sams is ok. mostly the stuff ruined is right along the tornado path. sam’s is a good ways away.</p>

<p>I was in Sams Club parking lot yesterday and it seemed fine. The tornado wasn’t close to there.</p>

Spoke to son and girlfriend today, they are okay.
They said that the air quality is not that good outside and you definitely need a respirator if you are working close to the rubble.
There are still students who are from Alabama on campus because they have no power in their homes. Son also said that you walk from the area of devastation that “is like a war zone” to campus that “looks like another world”.</p>

<p>Here is a heart-wrenching description of the area written by the wife of James Spann, a well-respected meteorologist in Alabama (and with whom I happened to go to Junior High School in Tuscaloosa MANY, MANY moons ago). This piece totally made me sob.</p>

<p>[A</a> Personal Note… : The Alabama Weather Blog](<a href=“]A”></p>


<p>Do you have family or friends at Oakwood or in the HSV area? "</p>

<p>Yes, in Huntsville, on Oakwood NW, Pulaski Pike NW (uncle raises goats there…), and Lincoya.</p>

<p>My dads family grew up in Chase, at the nursery.</p>

<p>I don’t know what to say about this… perhaps if he brings needed supplies or lots of money, I don’t know</p>

<p>Charlie Sheen
Alabama; Heading your way. On a recon mission. My Cadre right behind me. You need help. I’m bringing it. DogSpeed. c</p>