Batten down the hatches

<p>^^^all I can say to that is “Wow”.</p>

<p>many hands make light work - if he’s willing to help then godspeed Charlie!</p>

<p>Is he being required to do a certain number of community service hours?</p>

<p>LOL, that might explain in m2ck. I’m thinking it’s just a pr stunt, but if it helps then it helps. It was posted on twitter.</p>

<p>Winning :-)</p>

<p>Just a note that Javier Arenas is filling up a truck n Kansas City and is leaving to drive to Tuscaloosa on Tuesday. am meeting up with him tomorrow to had off my donations! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>That’s great ahpimommy. You for donating and him for heading up the efforts. Javy is one of my all time favorites. </p>

<p>Quite a few of our former players have been helping out. It’s great to see that they care about the community that cared so much about them. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>He is a very nice guy. DD and several other ADPi’s are organizing a 5k run and barbecue to benefit Tuscaloosa…am hoping that he will jump on board! Since DD started contacting local alumns we are surprised how many people are on board.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I just wanted to say that the news cycle is about to be taken over by the momentous news that Usama bin Laden has finally been killed. However, we will not forget the terrible tragedy that has taken place in AL and elsewhere, and will continue to pray for y’all, and do what we can.</p>

<p>DH talked with someone at Bama and she said BamaBound is still on for May 31. Maybe we can come a bit early and pitch in somewhere.</p>

<p>^ Yes, indeed, we WON’T forget!!!</p>

<p>lol this girl that just yelled “Roll Tide Y’all” outside the White House didn’t forget us.</p>

<p><a href=“May 2, 2011 1:05 AM - YouTube”>May 2, 2011 1:05 AM - YouTube;

<p>Awesome video link NJBama!</p>

<p>I Love It!
Hoping there will be some organized volunteer activity we can do/come up with when getting students back in Aug. Wanted DS home but I feel pulled back to Ttown…
Roll Tide Y’all!</p>

<p>Just saw an email to DS from one of his profs. regarding final grades. He lives in Alberta City and says his house is mostly destroyed. :frowning: I wonder how many stories like this we will hear from our professors?</p>

<p>^^^Agree, also, AL, would like to do something when we return in August. </p>

<p>There will surely still be work to do. Down here in New Orleans, five years after Katrina, we still have youth groups coming down to help rebuild the city.</p>

<p>My hearts go out to the support staff who take care of our students all year long for us. Surely, many of them have been affected. If not by loss of property, there is loss of livelihood and a way of life. They are in our thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>Please keep us posted on anything we can do to help remotely. I’ve ordered the Ttown Never Down and the Bamastuff tshirts, to contribute to the cause. We’re doing a Blood Drive this week at our local church. Any other things we can do, please let us know.</p>

<p>Y’all take care and have a great summer with your kids. Give them lots of hugs and be there with a shoulder to cry on if they need it.</p>

<p>We are organizing a 5k here in Kansas City for late July…any runners out there you all are welcome to come…you can bunk at my house! PM me if you are interested in running or if you would like to donate…I can give you my daughter’s contact info. Am on my way to put items in the truck that Javier is taking down…am hoping it’s full. I will be down in T-Town the first week of August moving DD in…am up for meeting up with anyone and helping where ever needed. Let me know!</p>

<p>We will be there for the regular move in as well and happy to help out.</p>

<p>What is the information on Ttown Never Down and the bamastuff tshirts?</p>

<p>Ttown Never Down was through a Facebook site.</p>

<p>Bamastuff is a website to order Bama merchandise, and it is also doing a fundraising tshirt.</p>

<p>Another fund raising item are the houndstooth ribbon magnets at: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Some people might not wear t shirts so here’s another way to show some tangible support for only $3/each.</p>

<p>I will be headed down tomorrow, but van will be completely full. If anyone is headed down from the Northeast over the summer or at the start of next semester, I will still have much to donate. I can use help getting items to T-town if anyone is interested.</p>

<p>I was hoping that the Alumni Association could send a truck and we could fill it up. NJBama any ideas if the Alumni Assoc. will organize something like this from the Northeast??</p>