<p>oh kekekke ^_^ konnichiwaaa</p>
<p>don't worry about indirectly mocking or anything, i'm directly mocking you :)</p>
<p>oh kekekke ^_^ konnichiwaaa</p>
<p>don't worry about indirectly mocking or anything, i'm directly mocking you :)</p>
<p>lol. chi, guess i'm not the only one. :)</p>
<p>lol....did u get the last couple lines??</p>
<p>and didn't neone notice the line about no cruel comments?!!?! -__-" <em>sulks in corner</em></p>
<p>absolutely not :) i really don't know much japanese</p>
<p>i'm not being cruel!! :( I am just giving an (extremely accurate) imitation of typical azn girls okay?!!</p>
<p>haha, the last part:</p>
<p>so what have I got? Sore nandemonai ~
gomen ne!! y u r u s h i t e k u d a s a i !!</p>
<p>so what have I got? That's nothing.
I'm sorry! Forgive me!</p>
<p>lol, it was easier to rhyme that way haha</p>
<p>"i'm not being cruel!! I am just giving an (extremely accurate) imitation of typical azn girls okay?!!"</p>
<p>wasn't talkin bout you (only, lol) <em>cough mimi cough</em> and wat exactly was the imitation of the typical azn grl?? <em>confu-sed</em></p>
<p>i believe that would be the kekekkekeke konnniichhiiwwaaa ^____^;; part :)</p>
<p>oh, i didn't think that part was cruel...it was the mocking T<em>T lol. btw...u realize ur saying hello??? jw ^</em>^ <-- yea, i'm azn. o well. lol.</p>
<p>What has this thread become...</p>
<p>What happened to all the thugness?</p>
<p>"What has this thread become...</p>
<p>What happened to all the thugness?"</p>
<p>haha, sorry, breakordeath. i guess my feminine touch broke the rhythm lol. u guys go back to rappin now.... ^_^</p>
<p>BreakOrDeath88, LLoyd Banks actually has the worst lyrics of G-Unit. 50 doesn't have very good lyrics but his flow and sound, which are more important, are the best in the industry right now.</p>
<p>you cant beat kanyes flow</p>
<p>okay regarding g unit.. lloyd banks is the best in underground rap... 50 is just hot thats why he is loved so much and he is real.. he is who he is.. ull know wha ti mean if u watch his interviews n different things on him... personally.. i love 50 and i really like banks but besides songs and looks i think that young buck has the smoothes flow.. just listen to his rap.. it soudns so smoothly.. he has that southern accent and all his rhythms just flow... if u listen to poppin them thangs and other all inclusive g unit songs.. ull see what i mean</p>
<p>but im a 50 n banks fan not buck n yayo.. im just talkin technically</p>
<p>you guys know nothing about hip hop k thanks
50 good flow? good lyrics?</p>
<p>i dont blame all of you for being unaware</p>
<p>go listen to some</p>
<p>a tribe called quest
mos def talib blck star
the roots
de la soul
main source
even if you like a sage francis or aesop rock
but come on
there is no talented mainstream hip hop artist probably with the exception of kanye, i even enjoy some of luda's stuff also</p>
<p>everyones got their own tastes man i dont like kanye.. but i like jayz n tupac.. im a girl so i can like 50 cent all i want... he makes his money mostly on girls anyway.... masterflor - u got ur own tates like the roots some people done like that style period</p>
<p>plus go listen to 50s old stuff like power of the dollar .. hes was different.. em n dre changed his style n he became more laid back</p>
<p>its not a matter of style, its a matter of what is or what isnt music
50 cent talks over a synthesized beat. no where involved is any skill, at least if he was a poetic lyricist he could have somethin positive about him but no i openly saw him in an interview while shooting a music video talking about how he writes his songs in between his breaks of shootin the video. i guess its not hard when every lyric is yo shake that ass girl shake it fast twirl. but yeah thats hip pop. im not into that. its not authentic</p>
<p>play46love youre right, power of the dollar is definetly a better album
but look how he had to change to suceed</p>
<p>another perfect example the black eyed peas honestly a group i really liked, but they made no money, then did a track with timberlake sold out their style added a real hot girl to the group ( i aint complainin) but then they turned into dance music with senseless lyrics its catchy but its not them its all for a profit</p>