Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

We’re still waiting on EA. Part of the delay could be that the transcript was sent from the high school but the system didn’t register the grades on SAR. I had just about to input when I noticed that all boxes were checked and that was last week.

My daughter appled EA Oct 1 and received a decision by 10/28. She was active with her AO and also attended their Baylor Accelerate program - not sure if that has anything to do with such an early response or not. She received a shirt (from AO) and cookies from Baylor.

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Still waiting!


Yes! we did.



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EA admission came in 12/13! Sorry but I’m accepted and committed TAMU, but I’d like a backup in case I change my mind

applied for psychology BS
27 ACT, 3.6?? Unweighted and 4.2 weighted
Top 8% (large, mildly competitive public school)
Lots of ECs (band, HOSA officer, SNHS, NHS, AcaDeca, Science Olympiad, Interact Club, Environmental Club, Superintendent Advisory Council and Principals Advisory Council)
Work experience: country club bus boy and summer camp staffer


Question here . . . My D was accepted to Baylor recently. She was invited and attended Honors DS Day and invited to I2E. She is waitlisted for honors. Any ideas or thoughts on what the waitlist has looked like in the past? Wondering if getting accepted on 2nd review is even much of a possibility.

DD was accepted last night 12/20. Test scores not submitted but very strong rigor & EC.


What major?

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Accepted 12/20 3.89/4 test optional, pre-business



Still nothing!!! I wish they would release all EA at the same time like other schools do. Losing our minds here.

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How do they notify us of a decision? Through email? Or we ought to check the portal every day?

They will email you. The decisions come out around 7:25 pm

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College staff are probably on a break so no decision this week until the new year.

Has anyone made any plans for I2E in January or have any information about the timing of events on Friday night? I could have sworn I saw something about Business Fellows and something else that would be on Friday, but now I can’t find it. I am looking at tickets and rental cars (ugh) and trying to see if it is possible for us to get to the event, but I don’t know the timing for the “optional” Friday stuff. If we are going all the way to Waco, we want to attend everything.
Also, does anyone know if the I2E day includes a regular tour of campus etc. or do we need to schedule that for the Friday before? I feel in the dark except for the confirmation email details. Thanks!

My daughter will be attending I2E also. I’m thinking they will send out more information when they are back in the office from holiday break. We will also contact our local recruiter for more information.


Our daughter applied ED early August and got accepted late October and deposit has been paid so she’s Baylor Bound for sure. Yesterday she got an invitation to Distinguished Scholars Day for Education. That was a bit of a surprise since other DSD invitations apparently went out much earlier, even to students who had not been accepted. She’s near the top of her class but SAT is a little lower than the typical range for DSD. If anyone has any tips on attending DSD, how the interviews work, etc., we would be grateful for any insight.


My daughter attended the Distinguished Scholars back in November. We had lunch with a Senior Ambassador and then a professor joined us as well. It was very impressive to have a 1:1 conversation with them. It was very casual and they spoke about the program in detail and answered all the questions we had. After lunch, we had a group meeting with all the students/parents/and some professors for that Department in which they discussed the majors (general info, courses, internship opportunities, etc). Afterwards, we had a breakout session with a professor for her major only. That was very nice as well since it was the professor and only 3 students/families. My daughter got to ask a lot of questions and learned so much about the program. Then they took us on a campus tour. There was no interview. Maybe they take into account who is actively participating during the professor encounters (not sure, just an assumption). There was an essay she had to complete by a certain deadline after she attended. Baylor was not on my daughter’s top universities until that day. She was just blown away by the information sessions, program and sense of community. Now we just have to wait to see what kind of financial package/scholarships she receives to see if it’s something reasonable that we can afford. Good luck to you and everyone else.


Thank you that is very helpful.