Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Haven’t gotten home yet to check the mail. Cookies sound yummy with some hot chocolate.

Yes, we got cookies from Baylor today.

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We got a card and Baylor stickers from our regional counselor - really wished we got cookies instead!!


DD received cookies and in a separate package a “I know where I’m going” Baylor t-shirt today. The box the cookies came in were adorable!


Are these decisions for Early Action or Early Decision? Also, are these rolling decisions because there seems to be pockets of people who have indicated that they were notified.

My daughter was accepted as early action (non binding). I think they are rolling admissions, but not 100% sure.

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My D was early action

They are rolling admissions also. My son got the application completed Nov. 1, which is ED deadline, but he applied RD and has received an acceptance. It seems that they take those in batches. He also qualified for I2E, so they may only have look at those who applied before Nov 1 so far if they needed to meet that invitation deadline. (which was Dec 12) Good luck.


Did you decide to make the trip after all?

We responded yes, and I made a hotel reservation. Son is very interested in Baylor, so we need to go visit anyway before we will know about aid or else it will cut it too close to decision time. I am not sure how we will budget for the airfare, rental car, hotel, but I’m working on it! (Aside- we aren’t able to count on need aid at CSS schools like Baylor because of complicated bio-dad situation. That is why we can’t just accept where he likes best without merit, but we also have to really stretch to afford the merit weekends.)

I wish your son the best of luck in getting some really good merit scholarships, especially after making a costly trip.

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Can someone please clarify for me who exactly are receiving acceptances: Is it EDs or EAs? Also, why are receiving cookies, stickers and the like? My oldest is a Junior at Baylor and was accepted EA. She never received cookies or anything like that. My youngest applied EA and his portal indicates nothing. I was under the impression that EA decisions come out in January. Thanks for any information you can lend.

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My daughter applied Early Action late October and received acceptance about 2 weeks later in mid November. We received a small box of cookies in the mail yesterday with a note inside saying that they are excited for my daughter to join the Baylor Family next year. It seems that some people are getting cookies, while others are getting t-shirts or stickers. Some have stated they didn’t receive anything, so I’m not sure how they went about choosing who gets what

I’m not sure but I think acceptances might also be related to majors. What major did your youngest apply to?

I think it might be on the type of application you submitted… I know they need your T-shirt size in order to submit your enrollment deposit. So maybe t-shirts are sent if you commit to going? I was thinking cookies were sent for EDs or same purpose as submitting that deposit. But my guess is as good as yours. My daughter’s waiting for the acceptance packet to come in the mail, we only got the email so far, so I guess we’ll see.

That definitely makes sense regarding the t-shirt. As for the cookies, my daughter has not committed or paid a deposit yet. As for the Baylor packet in the mail, my daughter got it about 2 weeks after the email, but with Christmas approaching those packets may be delayed a bit.

It looks like both ED and EA decisions are being released every so often. My DS applied EA and received his decision in October. I, too, thought it would come later, but it was a pleasant surprise to hear back so soon. Not sure why the cookies, etc. are going out, but my DS is enjoying getting fun, unexpected mail. I think this is a new thing. From what I gather, it appears they are being sent to accepted students at this point.


Some RDs are also hearing acceptances. DS was RD but turned in on Nov 1 and also indicated interest in I2E on the portal and applied for the Getterman (not a finalist), which might have triggered them to review his early to make that deadline. He has NOT received any more mail/cookies/socks etc. but did hear from Honors Program and University Scholars today. We are way up by the Great Lakes in a rural community so maybe they are just taking longer? Or maybe they are only being sent to EAs and EDs. Baylor, if you are listening, send cookies!


We got the cookies today. My D heard back for EA in October and we have not committed yet. I feel like it’s just the continued recruitment efforts for the admitted students, much like the Top Golf events, etc.


My OOS son applied mid-October, and got an invite to Distinguished Scholars, which he plans to attend in late January, but still no acceptance. I guess they are doing rolling acceptances, any one else waiting on an EA decision?