Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Ok I realize I have crossed over to being a psycho who is constantly stalking the applicant portal… but a new thing appeared today. Asking to enroll in Duo Factor. Is this a meaningful pre-cursor to acceptance or did every person who applied get this?

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It’s normal a lot of colleges do that now for two-factor authentication

I realize that but it was not on his applicant portal until today. Maybe wishful thinking on my part!!

We bit the bullet and made travel plans. I know the chances for a scholarship are low and one that would substantially lower costs enough to make it affordable for us are lower still, but DS really likes Baylor from a distance and wants to go for it. I wavered until I saw his school has a break that same Fri-Sun, so he won’t miss more school. I am wishing good luck to all the CC families going down (or over?) to Baylor in a few weeks!

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ACCEPTED! Good luck to everyone wherever you end up!!!


Son was accepted today too!



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Accepted finally! Her teacher graduated from Baylor so D23 is really excited to tell him on Monday.


Wondering if any Early Decision 1 applicants have heard anything on merit scholarships yet as we’re supposed to hear something by January 15. Thanks.

Nothing yet for my daughter

Daughter is EA and still waiting on merit. She was accepted back in late October.

Same as my daughter. I’m hoping we hear earlier than Feb.1st


Yep, same here! Got EA admission late October and hoping to hear very soon!

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Check your Bear Web account for up to date award information. Go Baylor continues to show “Under Review” but merit based award info has been posted to Bear Web for our daughter who applied ED1.


Hey guys, so I applied Early Action September 29th and my application was processed October 1st. I haven’t gotten any decision or updates yet and the deadline is coming up soon. I completed all checklists and optional items, attended some virtual meetings and established contact with the school. Do you believe this indicates a rejection? Baylor is my number one school but I do have two backups, I am just a little worried that it is so close to the 15th and I haven’t heard anything.

I don’t think it indicates rejection. Baylor’s timing just seems unpredictable to me. It couldn’t hurt to follow up with your admissions counselor for any update or suggestions. Best of luck to you!

DD was accepted today, but prior to acceptance email, she got notification to setup duo factor, so maybe theres some merit to it being a sign of acceptance, not sure

I checked my daughter’s (accepted EA) Bearweb and there is a payment schedule but it’s full cost of nearly 75K. So I guess she didn’t receive any merit?

I don’t know for sure but I think award info could still be added before the notification deadline and if she’s EA the notification deadline is Feb. 1 vs. Jan. 15 for ED. Our daughter’s award shows up as Baylor Distinction Award under the Financial Aid History Tab. Not as much as we had hoped for but better than nothing.

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