Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Carr Collins notices are being delivered via email tonight.


Thank you, just received notice. Unfortunately, my daughter was not a recipient. Hopefully you all get better news. :crossed_fingers:

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Now we wait for Trailblazer & Honors scholarships. Although Baylor is beautiful & a top notch school, the sense of community is what really attracted my daughter, but the price is such a hard sell, especially when my daughters other top school choice is considered the best in the state for her major and so much more affordable. Good thing is that we planned ahead and she had already paid/accepted her offer and housing contract at the other school. Praying the very best for who are still waiting and making


We wrote to the scholarships email address and got a response back that they just started to review the applications for the trailblazers scholarship and are hoping to finish by April 15. This is a need based scholarship is what they emphasized.

I applied back in December and applied to the Distinguished Scholarship program. I received my decision for the scholarship but not the school itself. Is that normal?

Thank you for the update. At this point, we are just not very hopeful that Baylor is going to work out for us financially. We have pretty much moved on, unless they surprise us with a very nice scholarship. Good luck to everyone!!

An FYI that S23 got an email tonight (mid-April) that he now did get a scholarship from I2E Weekend for $5000 more a year. He previously was notified last month that he did not win any Faculty Scholarship. Complete 180.

This occurred right after he put down the enrollment deposit yesterday. Not sure if that is related.

It could also be -and probably more likely is- that as students are turning down the awards to go elsewhere, other “runner-up” students are moved up as long as they still have an open application. In any case, it made Baylor more affordable for him, and we are excited. We had given up hope on any additional merit money from them.

So for future years reading the list, it seems some more money in small amounts can trickle in!


That’s great news. Congratulations!!! Every little bit helps.

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Did you ever hear back about your admission status?

Did anyone hear back regarding the Trailblazer scholarship? Just wondering if only recipients were notified since my daughter didn’t hear back from them.

We emailed yesterday and they are not done reviewing applications yet.

This makes sense. They just released some of the additional Achievement Scholarship Awards yesterday. I think they just have a timeline that may go right up to the wire.

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Thank you. They are really getting close to final decision day.

They must have recognized a large amount of applications


Our family recently met with a Baylor Admissions Officer who shared that the school received more than 50,000 applications this year for Fall 2023 admission, which would represent about a 20% increase year over year - crazy!

Wow!! I wonder if it’s a combination of both 1st year freshman and transfer applications.

Don’t know - sorry

Would anyone accepted EA/ED last year be willing to share your stats? Also, if you applied ED did you receive the same merit as someone who applied EA? TIA!!

I can share my daughter’s. 3.7ish UW 4.01W test optional. She was accepted EA with a 20K merit award. Communications major, didn’t attend.

The merit came WAY later, like in February. I think she was accepted in early October.