Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admission

This is the official thread for those applying EA/ED to Baylor University.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!

D24 has finally pushed the button on her application. Anyone else on a Baylor admissions journey?


My daughter submitted hers Saturday. Just created her gobaylor account

Apologies, thought this was Baylor medical school related.

That is an early application submission. That is great your daughter has completed the app!

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I applied EA, test optional with a 3.98 GPA. Baylor is definitely my top choice, but hopefully I can get a good enough scholarship to attend for CS.

If you are using your real name as your user name, you might want to change that.

But good luck to you! I think we are all hoping for merit scholarships!

Hopefully in another month or so acceptances will start rolling out, but it’ll be a long wait. Is anyone signing up for the virtual Premiere event at the end of the month? I know that in the past they actually let people know they were accepted in a break out virtual session, but that might have just been a Covid thing.

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If Baylor is your first choice, I’d highly encourage you to attend virtual Premiere! Baylor tracks interest–your student will be able to see it in GoBaylor as soon as your student starts participating in things like virtual Premiere, campus tours, meeting with the department of their possible intended major, events hosted by your local Baylor club or events local to you hosted by the AO of your region. Baylor wants their students to be a good fit, and demonstrating interest is one way to show them that you are genuinely interested. Of course, not everyone has the funds to travel, so if travel is out of the question, definitely participate in all the virtual opportunities as well as the local Baylor activities in your area. Best of luck and sic 'em!

I applied Early Action, and am attending the virtual premiere at the end of September. I applied test optional, have a 3.9 unweighted and 4.5 weighted GPA, have 8 APs, 4 dual-enrollment college courses, am a member of NHS, play on a nationally ranked club volleyball team, played competitive travel softball for 8 years and was co-captain for the past 5 years, have over 25 hours of volunteer service per year in my first three years of high school and will get over 50 hours this year, am a statistics tutor for the math department at my school, and worked as summer help at a local farmer’s market.

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Yes! I applied EA, 4.0 uw GPA, 1440 SAT, 5 APs, pre-med/biology. NHS, theology tutoring, camp counselor, CYO, altar server, French club president, social media manager for a public figure, over 250 hours volunteering and shadowing at my local hospital, and have performed all styles of dance for 14 years and was recently given the lead role in our annual performance. Attended the virtual premiere last year and fell in love, though it’s quite a hike to Waco from where I live. Fingers crossed for everyone! :slight_smile:

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So it looks like as of this time last year, Baylor had already sent out invitations to Distinguished Scholars Day. Many people got them, but it seems they aren’t rolling those out (or at least not as early this year).

Those are only for some majors, though.

I guess I’ll add stats too for my kid.

UW GPA: 3.86
Weighted: 4.47
SAT: 1480 - 790 EBRW/690 Math
National Merit Commended
3 Completed APs: AP World (5), APUSH (4) AP Lang (4)
5 APs this year
4 years choir
Active in theater/musical theater
Volunteered as Junior Docent for a Presidential Library
Job - Summer Teaching Assistant at the local Museum of Natural Science
Legacy at Baylor
Plans to major in Psych and Philosophy, applied for Honors Program

Baylor would be my first choice for the kid, but it’s like top 3 for her. It’ll all come down to cost.

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Has anyone received an invitation to DSD or I2E yet?

My daughter applied ED. I will share stats if she gets accepted. Good luck to everyone!

I think I2E won’t come until December. It’s the DSD that has historically been rolling invites and events.

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My daughter received an invitation to distinguished scholars day about 10 days ago to attend in October.

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Congrats!! When did she apply?

Yes, that’s great news and she’s basically certain to get in if she scored an invite.

I’d love to hear about how DSD went.

We are planning on logging in for Premiere on Saturday.

We will be attending DSD October 9th. She applied the middle of august.


Baylor is my son’s 1st choice but it might depend on merit aid. 4.0 UW not submitting scores. He applied the first week of August but everything from the counselor wasn’t in until the end of August.

He got an invitation to DSD so I hope that is a good sign!