<p>I started taking BB tests on sat. and sun. I will try to post Math Questions that require some thinking, questions that you cannot solve by plugging in numbers, substituting, and etc. The questions will vary mostly from medium to hard. </p>
<h2>--Some of these questions are ones that I could guess and get the right answer, but I really want to know <em>HOW</em> to get the answer.--</h2>
<p>Question (Pg. 425 // #10)
If 30 percent of 40 percent of a positive number is equal to 20 percent of w percent of the same number, what is the value of w?</p>
<p>Question (Pg. 411 // #14) Free Response
Exactly 4 actors try out for the 4 parts in a play. If each actor can perform any one part and no one will perform more than one part, how many different assignments of actors are possible?
<p>+Requires the Blue Book to solve+
Question (Pg. 408 // #5)
Question (Pg. 400 // #18)
Question (Pg 398 // #15)
Question (Pg 396 // #4)</p>
<p>Please try to post the answer with every single step, thoroughly.
Thank you.</p>
<p>My info:
I am currently a junior right now, I took my first actually SAT, and I got 500 on it. I am looking to get 710+, because I am Asian first of all, and I believe I can do it with some practice. I never practice math problems, and I still got A's basically in all my math classes every year. So if you got some SAT math problems that come up regularly, or similarly, in many of the tests, please post. And also, if you have some tips on how to take the SAT math part, to get 710+, please post, I would greatly appreciate it. Lastly, please try not to post vague tips, like "JUST PRACTICE," because I have heard this many times before, and I need some <em>REAL</em> SAT math tips, like shortcuts on certain types of problems.</p>