Be honest: Would you be sad if your kids decide to forgo marriage/parenthood?

@Twoin18 n one that may be true, but with divorce, the one who stayed home gets half of the spouse’s.

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Well that’s the legal system not the social security system. But arguably it’s an even more “traditional” (outdated) model if there are financial incentives not to divorce.

No social security gives half a spouse’s retirement amount to a spouse who did not work (or has retirement less than that). It is not the legal system.

True, but Social Security does not make the laws that tell it how to allocate the benefits.


When the higher earning spouse dies, the surviving spouse (or ex) get the higher amount. What is really hard is if the couple is getting 1.5x (1 for the higher earner, .5 for the lower), that is reduced to just 1x the amount. Very hard for many to stay in the same lifestyle on just 1x the amount when they were used to 1.5x My mother actually got .5% for a while, but since she continued to work her own pot got a little higher and she got more than .5 of my father’s amount. Then when he died she got his amount.

Another scenario, if the deceased ex-spouse had been married 4 times, each time at least 10 years, SS will be paying for 4 ex-spouses even if this person was the only sole earner. This is what SS has to take into account when paying for survivors benefits.


Surveys of childless women tell us that a top reason is not career, lifestyle or financially related: it’s that they just haven’t found the right partner

That is so true for successful women. The pool of equally successful men shrinking

I just don’t want girls to settle for boys that aren’t men and can barely support themselves. Don’t marry a problem. Bad credit no future or career.

Same goes for boys finding a girl.

Marriage is a team sport and 1+1 should equal more than 2. Meaning they help each other become better people.


I’m pretty sure S’s fiancée wants kids—she told me she does. We shall see how things evolve.

I say this to my sons about picking their partners.


I think I’d be disappointed if my kids went through life without a committed life partner.
I’m not too bothered about (grand)children, yet…!

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I’d be fine if they didn’t have grandkids. I love kids and would love to have grandkids, but I’d be fine without them. I would never want my kids to have kids just for me. And I have a great life as it is…
As for a life partner…having someone can really make a difference. But then again, I’d never push my kids…it’s their life


Study exploring potential health benefits of marriage for women.

Studies with cherry-picked participants don’t tell me much.


Two of my kids’ grade school friends recently had babies. I sent off the baby blanket gifts yesterday, which makes my kids jealous. (“Are you saving any blankets for US?” I don’t know - hurry up!)

I’m am not above bribery. I want my grandchildren.


I can’t find it now but there was a study that married man live longer


My first grandchild was born two weeks ago. My both kids always wanted to be married and have kids but seeing joy the new baby brings my DD might want adjust her timeline and get married and have kids sooner then her original plan. It’s just has to be with a right partner. My DIL told me that her friends in thirties don’t have kids because they don’t have supportive partners

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I admit I’m obsessed. Just bought 2 American Girl dolls (on super sale) to save for my future grandchildren. I have the ones from my kids, but they are in rather rough shape. I figure if those grandchildren never come, I can always donate them to the school auction or another charity, but one is Chinese and one is blond with green eyes; my kids are 1) Chinese and 2)blondish/brown hair with green eyes. Too good to pass up.

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THANK YOU!!! This is the kind of crazy enthusiasm for grandchildren this OP needed.

I have bought clothes for my nonexistent grandchildren. Think T-shirts from places my kids loved growing up but have now closed down. My kids will LOVE them if/when they ever see them.

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Yes, apparently, with some caveats:

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