Because I didn't get full ride...I cant go /:

<p>I've recently been accepted into:
Spelman College (Honor's) I'd have to pay 6K/year
Howard University (Honor's) I'd have to pay about 10K/year
Clark Atlanta University (Honor's) I'd have to pay about 3K/year</p>

<p>But because I did not receive full ride my mom wants me to attend a school in our 'Home' state (Military Family, we've been in Texas for 3years. I consider home in Georgia), because it would be cheaper and I wouldn't have to pay a dime.</p>

<p>I've only gotten into:
University of Houston (Honor's)
Prairie View A&M University (Honor's)
Texas Tech (Missed Honor's Application Deadline)</p>

<p>Waitlisted at:
Baylor University (I made a horrible mistake on my Application)</p>

<p>Capped at:
UT Austin (I'm top 13% not 8 /: )</p>

<p>I really don't want to go to any of the Texas schools, but my mother wont co-sign for a loan and I'm only 16. I've applied for numerous scholarships but wont hear word until late May for most. </p>

<p>What should I do?
Any advice?</p>

<p>I think you should definitely weigh out your options between the major/programs in your home state vs. the other schools out of state like Spelman (ATL) , Howard (D.C), Clark Atlanta (ATL). I was in the same situation 2 years ago when I was deciding between Hampton University vs. home state schools as well but I took into consideration scholarship/aid, major/programs, and housing. Look at which will benefit you in the long run with competing in the job market as far as internships/jobs during college and after and as well as will NOT have you in the most debt but will benefit you educationally. Also, you can always transfer if you decide this school is not the place for you after you are there. But take all of those options into consideration even if the instate schools do give you a full ride because that’s how it was for me as well with the Hope Scholarship of GA.</p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>First, great job on getting scholarships. Frankly, you have a lot of options. Take a 5k loan the first year and then plan to get internships each summer. Talk to each colleges career center about internship opportunities so that you are focused during the year on landing one.</p>

<p>Good luck and congrats again on your accomplishments.</p>

I defiantly weighed out those options, University of Houston and Texas Tech have amazing medical programs…for graduate students. Even when I took my campus visit I couldn’t help but feel as though majority of the professors only cared about the graduate students. I felt like as an underclassmen I’d just be another number.
Also, I’ve known from day one I didn’t want to attend a huge school. I wanted to be able to connect with the faulty and all that cliche stuff. I know as an honor’s student I’d have a better chance. but I know it wouldn’t be the same. I’ve also wanted to go to an HBCU since day one and just cant imagine having a different college experience.
I found out this morning that Clark Atlanta has chosen me to be a Dean’s recipient, which means that as long as my GPA stays at a 3.25+ all my tuition fees will be payed for and all I have to do is pay room and board, which Im sure my mother’s Post 911 GI Bill will cover fully.
So unless Spelman miraculously finds left over money to give to me it looks as though I’ll be attending the school across the street. Which is fine because I’ll still be a part of the AUC and can transfer at any time if they offer something better next semester/year</p>

Hmm, I never even thought of interning, thanks for putting the idea in my head. Im sure ill be able to get more scholarships next year if i keep up with my good grades and Community service. So transferring wouldn’t be a problem.
Thanks again(=</p>


<p>That’s great! And that was my dilemma when i graduated high school 2 years ago also about classroom sizes and just a “number” at those type of institutions because I am an honor student as well. As far as the schools in Atlanta with the medical field I still would bank on Spelman. However, you can do cross-registration at all three AUC (Atlanta University Center) Schools and still take courses you want. For example, I have a friend at Spelman that studies denistry but she still takes classes at Clark Atl. and Morehouse as well. And I believe it would go vice versa as if you had that CAU scholarship and attended school you could do cross-registration and still take classes at Spelman for medical school. But, since I know medical majors at most of your choices except for Clark Atl. I would have to say Spelman or Howard regardless of that $$$. But if you do decided Clark Atl. the cross-registration thing is something to think about. Also, visit the campuses at the schools before making that FINAL COUNTDOWN LOL! in the next coming weeks.</p>

<p>Hope that helps and GOOD LUCK!!</p>

<p>OP, would it attendance at an out-of-school college impose an undue financial burden on your family? If so, perhaps you might want to consider getting a job that can cover that 3k - it’s more than feasible. However, I would encourage you to at least look at the Texan schools before jumping ship and going to Georgia. </p>



<p>Oh, I just saw this! Congratulations. :slight_smile: Good luck at Clark Atlanta!</p>

<p>Thank you everyone. </p>

<p>I just found out that I also received full ride to Howard so my plans on going to Clark are a little jumbled right now.
I hate to say that I hope no more schools send me anything and sound ungrateful but the more things that come the more stressed I get. </p>

<p>I only have until the 28th to make a final decision. It’s…difficult.</p>

<p>What is the average fiancial aid package for Hampton University?</p>

<p>Congratulations on Howard! Is that where you ended up?</p>

<p>Attab - I think the average merit info is listed on The scholarships are heavily influenced by your ACT.</p>