Becoming friends with older people in college

<p>Has anyone made older friends? Older as in 30+? While I do have my friends in the same age range, I find older people more interesting to talk to because they just have so much to say about life. I have two friends who are older than me: one is 30; the other is 38 lol. I go to yoga and study with both of them, as well lol. I'm 18, btw.</p>

<p>I work in retail (I’m 24) and most of the people I like most there are 40+ years old. I never cared much for most girls my age, most of the guys my age just want to date me, and the older people are more interesting and friendly. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it as long as they’re not doing anything inappropriate (trying to get you to drink, take advantage in any way). Although, I don’t hang outside of work with them. I’d probably go for drinks after work but I’m the HR manager and really am not supposed to do that with regular associates.</p>

<p>Some of the people I work with are older (late 20s/30s) and they are fairly cool. I probably wouldn’t hang out with them outside work but I enjoy chatting with them at work. Many of my friends are older though, but only as in 21-22 (I’m 19). I usually have had friends a few years older though for most of my life.</p>

<p>Does anyone have friends younger than them?
I’m currently a high school senior, and I always find it easier to make friends with people slightly younger than me (14-16), I’m 17, than people my age.</p>

<p>I’m 22 and my best friends are 40, 25, and 16. My boyfriend is 27. I think when you are college aged, you’re reaching a point in your life where you start to have a little more to offer people in older age groups when it comes to friendships… you START to become intellectual equals. Start being the key word there.</p>

<p>I work with a group of people ranging from 20 to 60+, with most people falling into the middle of the group, meaning 30-40 year old married people with children. I’m only 18, the youngest person at my work, and I’ve made friends with just about all of them, no different than anyone I’ve met at my age. Outside of work though I only have a handful of older people who I consider friends, and most come from other jobs I’ve held xD</p>

<p>waitingforivy - One of my former employees was 19 when I was in the department (I was 23 at the time) and we got along very well and still chat on Facebook. Never hung out outside of work, again because of the management-employee relationship, but she seemed very mature for her age (in some ways). I think I have more patience for younger people which can help me to befriend them more easily than people my own age. Whereas people older than me have more interesting stories and knowledge to share. I guess I just don’t like people in their mid-twenties XD</p>