Bed Parties?

This whole concept of Bed Parties is kinda crazy and foreign to me, but I will say that this article made me realize that should probably do “something” special for my kid. Maybe a homemade cake in her new school colors?


Ok! Thanks!


A friend did this for younger S. We (or another mom hosted and we brought plates and napkins, lol) had a graduation party for S and 3 of his friends. One of the moms baked each of them a cake and decorated it in their respective college colors. It was really cute.

I’m not sure if we did anything for ours or not. Probably not if I can’t remember.

Ok. Now I understand the “bed” part of the party!


Cake is a thing for sure. That’s been around for a while. Also, kids decorate their grad caps and cars with college mascots, etc…


Also… please know that we are local and owned most of this already. The framed jersey is what my husband wore the entire 2003 season and is signed by the team. I fully accept that many of you will think we’re nuts, but we had fun! Lol


As long as it made your kid happy who cares!! Congratulations :tada:


Right? Ours got a hug and “we’re proud of you” after he committed. I’d never even hear of the bed thing til this week. We did order a t-shirt for him. He didn’t want senior pics, except as a joke – he says his friends are going to take them? And no grad party or announcements. I guess you could say we are on the party pooper end of things. It’s not on purpose, though!

@Mrspuma Hey, that’s where our son is going! He had some free swag from his visits, and we ordered him an Otto shirt. His brother stole the plush Otto we got at our admitted student’s visit. Looks like we need to up our celebration and swag game!


Buying a sweatshirt for your kid, fine. But registries?! Once again the excesses of the “see me” generation with enabling parents.


Lol!! Awesome! Well, again I’m local if you have any questions! Congrats!!


Really? As in Susie wants a college hoodie, water bottle, and coasters? And people buy those things as gifts for the kid? That really is ridiculous.


My D has been to one already and has been invited to about a half dozen in the next month. Usually, the student asks a friend to organize it. You need a couple of week lead time because they have to order the accessories from the school or on Etsy, unless it’s a big school that you can get immediately from Amazon. I told her she should definitely do one; seems like fun.

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Thank you, and congrats to your 'Cuse superfan family!

Seems custom made for the instagram/tik tok generation.


They were actually a thing here in NJ until covid. Dd19 and her friend group decorated each other’s beds (lots of dollar store decorations and inexpensive swag) and surprised each other, dd21 and her group did not, their group of 10 was a little much back then in a bedroom during covid. I do have pictures of DD’s bed, it was sweet (and pretty lowkey, there were 8 of them). ETA I just looked at some of the pictures of the girls’ rooms, balloons, streamers, pendant, fairy lights, maybe $25 all in.

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No, I am not referring to a hoodie, water bottle or pennant. I am pointing at the excesses cited in the WSJ article, “Isabella, 17, was already working on a 22-page Google slideshow listing places to buy specific gifts when she got the news from Alabama… Some teens create their own registries, similar to ones for weddings and baby showers, to make sure they get the gifts they want.”


Wow, I can’t access the article so I didn’t see that. Crazy.

And my family thought I had gone overboard with “P” cookies at my D’s family graduation party!

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I’d like to see this kid’s actual dorm room if this is just the pre-show - wow!!! Never heard of these until our kids saw on social media - but not a thing in our region no matter where you are going to school. Guessing very regional ???

We had covid limitations for D21, but we did host a joint outdoor party with her close friends and their immediate families. But it was celebrating graduation, not where the kids were going to college. Each family brought college-themed cookies, but that was the extent of it.

That is just the norm at our school. I say celebrate your kids in any way that makes them feel special. I’m fascinated that this is a “thing”.