Bed Parties?

Is this really a thing?

Is it only for kids going to minimally or non-selective colleges?

Can’t imagine it for kids going to highly selective schools where the vibe was always to play things down.

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Please describe what bed parties are. I am clueless.


Ugh, I just googled it. Just over the top celebrating a students college choice. To each their own. I have to admit, it’s not what I thought it would be. Thank goodness.



I had to google it too!



Not a fan at all. But on the “how much do you celebrate things” scale we are way down at the party-pooper end.


The vibe is to play down highly selective admissions??? You must not have been on social media this time of year for the past decade or so!

Every other reel, TikTok, and YouTube post is a student or feeder school posting themselves opening Ivy+ decisions videos, results posts with stats and ECs, and whole schools wearing the shirts of the highly rejective schools where they are headed.

I have seen more big football school bed parties, but my impression has been that’s due to more merch being available to do it for those schools as I have seen them for Ivies, Duke, Stanford, etc., too. Anyone on social media would tell you that humility is not somehow confined to, or even a common trait of, students attending highly selective schools.

(I don’t begrudge any student their celebration, but the idea that a certain group of students or parents is playing down acceptances is comical.)


Not what I was expecting either, thank goodness lol

My D actually came across a picture of one of these somewhere and jokingly asked if I was going to do that for her. Uh no lol But didn’t know it was called a bed party.

Even a cursory google image search will show a wide variety of colleges being celebrated in this way…

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Us too! :joy:

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I’ve only seen it among my Long Island/Jersey friends. Never heard of it until my LI friend’s D went to college. Lots of them showing up in my feed this year.

No disrespect intended but the ones I’ve seen have to be hundreds of dollars in swag.


Okay, I looked it up, as per @CottonTales suggestion.

Yes, ridiculously OTT, but why not? Probably born of the pandemic, when people wanted to celebrate things but couldn’t have a real party.

I would have never done that. Both kids got a T-shirt from the college bookstore once they had chosen. That was literally it.

And poor D, who ended up choosing a different college due to getting off a WL, never got any kind of college shirt until she was a junior at the college.:laughing:


My favorite so far…

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Same. I’m paying OOS tuition though, so in lieu of the bed thing, they get that :laughing:

I also saw them a couple of years pre-pandemic.


Pretty much.

Wasn’t particularly implying that kids getting into highly selective schools were humble, it was more the experience of my kid’s HS classmates who were pretty discreet in terms of college admissions, with bland geographic references being much more common than actually naming the schools. Admittedly, that was 5-8 years ago…

I assumed that they started during the pandemic, too, though my older daughter graduated in 2020/pandemic quarantine and I wasn’t paying as much attention before then.

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Great article about Bed Parties.


Plus, my daughter would actually have to make her bed first, so she’s out!


We did one for my daughter? It was fun and a good way for celebrate! Definitely to each their own. I could see where some may think it’s super “extra”. Lol But we had fun!
ETA: I can post a pic if people want and it’s allowed, but I didn’t want to be extra EXTRA lol


Nah. Certain, students at more competitive schools might be quieter about where they applied and their earlier results, but the kids on social medial doing full-school reveals and decision results are very often from those same kinds of schools.

I enjoy watching them because my kids’ high school sends maybe one kid/year to a top 20 college. It’s fascinating to me to see these high schools that will have 6 kids in their Stanford shirts, 3 kids in Brown shirts, 5 wearing Yale, 4 at Chicago, etc.

Go on! Click the arrow icon on the edit option (pencil) and you can upload the pic. We want to see!

(Totally allowed, btw.)