Before UCLA Nursing....

<p>Ok! Nursing it is... I never tried in HS and never realized the importance of it and after i did... it was my senior year and had to go to a continuation school. NOW I graduated "HS" and currently doing an internship/mentoring program which at the beginning the program consisted of 60 hs students ( now 25 ) also just finished my voluntary hours as am scheduled for summer paid internship @ Emergency Department( yay! :) ) </p>

<p>My plan:
* 2yrs Community College TRANSFER =>> UCLA NURSING
* CNA Cert for use of voluntary work
* Clubs @ CC
* Other misc voluntary/ community stuff</p>

<p>My QUESTION:</p>

<p>My counselor at the local CC didn't know UCLA had a nursing program till i convinced him to check. So besides IGETC, is there like any other Nursing Prerequisites i need?</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> Requirements | UCLA School of Nursing](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>Transfer Applicants
Transfer applicants must have completed all IGETC requirements or all general education requirements at the school where currently or previously enrolled and the equivalent of all of the non-nursing preparation for the major courses as follows: Chemistry 14A, B, C or Chemistry 20A, B & 30A; Communications 1 or 10<em>; Life Sciences 2 & 3; Math 3A or 31A; Microbiology</em>; Physiological Science 3 & 13; and Psychology 10*. *May be completed at UCLA.</p>

<p>Do not go there. They only accept 10 transfer student each year, and require bunch of prerequisite classes. Three bio, three Chem, amp, calculus, Psy, speech, and many of ges</p>

<p>Ok, I was one of the successful 10 transferees they accepted for this Fall (Class of 2015) so I wanted to share my insights regarding the program.</p>

<p>First and foremost, be sure to have and maintain and very high GPA. (As an example, for myself, I have a 3.96–all A’s in my science prereqs and IGETC courses except for only ONE GE class where I have a B) </p>

<p>In summary these are the prereqs:</p>

<li>1 year of Gen Chem</li>
<li>1 semester of O-chem</li>
<li>Microbiology (optional but highly recommended)</li>
<li>General Biology for science majors.</li>
<li>Molecular and Cell Biology</li>
<li>Calculus 1</li>
<li>Communications class (optional but highly recommended)</li>
<li>Statistics (optional but highly recommended)</li>
<li>Completion of the IGETC (~60 units)</li>

<p>UCLA nursing doesn’t take any exceptions, all articulated prereqs must be completed. Check for course articulations to your community college. There are instances where some courses are not offered at your local cc, so if you have to attend two cc’s then do so… this happened to my case, where my cc doesn’t offer a course in Molecular Bio so I took it from a distant cc. </p>

<p>They are also strict about completing your IGETC. Again, UCLA nursing doesn’t take any exceptions. it’s either you complete all of them or you don’t get to enter the program. </p>

<p>It is highly advisable to also take a communications class (speech) as well as intro to sociology and intro to psychology. They are degree requirements for the program and they can also count towards your IGETC.</p>

<p>AND volunteer at hospitals! shadow nurses if you can. It’s not necessary to become a CNA although it will help. Put a whole LOT of hours into volunteering… it will really show that you are passionate about the nursing profession. Don’t do it for the money but rather do it because you want to learn about the nursing field. I for myself have accumulated over 800 hours of volunteering at local hospices and home health aids. When you get to apply to UC’s you can write about this in your essay and personal statements and it will really help you on this one. trust me.</p>

<p>If your cc doesn’t have a club for the health professions, start up one! it will look very impressive on your record.</p>

<p>It’s not necessary for you to take honor classes. UCLA nursing doesn’t recognize the TAP or TAG program so don’t make it harder for you. Just take the non-honor GE classes and get straight A’s in them as much as you can. What will matter most will be your science prereqs. Try your very best to get straight A’s in them!!</p>

<p>Lastly, I know that there are a lot of science prereqs. It may take you more than 2 years to finish all of them together with the IGETC, so don’t ever EVER slack…you will be taking these prereqs with pre-med, pre-pharm, and pre-dentistry students so it will be a tough competition, but be proud and say that you are pre-nursing and just work off your behind and study study study…</p>

<p>in a nutshell, this is it. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me :slight_smile: and good luck!</p>