Before we sign on the dotted line

<p>It is my understanding that we should put in DS’ enrollment deposit sooner rather than later in order to ensure housing. However, if he commits to UA, will he be hurting his chances for acceptance to CBHP or UFE? Does the school use admission to those programs to entice students who are still on the fence?</p>

<p>^^^ I am going to give you my opinion, no definitely not. I believe that it shows a genuine commitment to the university and thus a real interest in the programs you mentioned.</p>

<p>Dont think so. DS was invited for the CBHP weekend after we had dropped the deposit a few years ago. If anything it may help. They only invite a few to the interview weekend so I think they would maybe lean toward those they are more confident in.</p>

<p>However, if he commits to UA, will he be hurting his chances for acceptance to CBHP or UFE? Does the school use admission to those programs to entice students who are still on the fence?</p>

<p>Absolutely not.</p>

<p>The Honors College is the one who decides who gets those spots and they don’t pay any attention to whether the student has deposited or not.</p>

<p>Great! DS is supposed to knock out his Honors program applications this weekend, and I will confirm with him one last time that UA is “the one” before submitting the deposit. On another note, is it crazy for us to be done with the college search already? DS chose 7 schools to take a serious look at, and while he really loved Washington U., he made the quick decision that no school was worth $100,000+ more than 'Bama, especially with grad school in his future.</p>

<p>Also, is it okay to use “'Bama”, or is it a no-no like saying “Frisco” for San Francisco? I am guessing it’s okay because of 'Bama Bound, but want to make sure.</p>

<p>^Since the shirts that 'bama sells say “Bama”, I think it’s fine.</p>

<p>Having applied, been accepted, committed and made the deposits made DD’s Senior Year of High School sooooooo much easier. Many of her peers struggled with acceptance decisions right up to May One.</p>

<p>DD was saucered-and-blown by mid-July…ELEVEN MONTHS PRIOR.</p>

<p>It was a Godsend allowing her to concentrate on Senior Year, and me to focus on all the gritty details knowing where she was going…</p>

<p>While many have valid reasons to wait and compare, for DD, there just was not a better, more exciting option.</p>

<p>If this is the case for your child, commit and never look back.</p>

<p>Roll Tide, Roll.</p>

<p>I sat down with my counselor today. Here’s how the conversation went. </p>

<p>Counselor: “So, have you begun thinking of colleges yet?”
Me: “Yes. I applied to Alabama, got a full tuition presidential schools, and put the deposit down.”
Counselor: “…I guess we’re done here!”</p>

<p>“DD was sauce red-and-blown by mid-July…ELEVEN MONTHS PRIOR.”</p>

<p>That’s a new term for me. It will be funny to see what southernisms find their way into my California boy’s vocabulary :)</p>

<p>Darn auto-correct.</p>

<p>It is " saucered and blown"</p>

<p>Which refers to the act of pouring too-hot tea from the cup into the saucer and then blowing on it until it is READY.</p>

<p>Here I assumed it had something to do with having red sauce or BBQ sauce coursing through her veins. Haha!</p>

<p>No. I think that term is “hot damn!”</p>

<p>Nice! Well, “Hot damn and Roll Tide!” </p>

<p>Thanks as always to everyone for their feedback!</p>

<p>I doubt it. I’m not aware that they even check, but if they do, I would think that being committed to UA would help before it hurt. I think the Honors College is trying to pick the best candidates for the programs, not offer carrots to entice undecided students to choose Bama.</p>

<p>FWIW, my D wasn’t done with the process when we put the deposit down. She didn’t make her official decision until March 1, but UA was in her top two from the beginning and I thought it was likely enough to be her final choice that it was worth putting $250 at risk.</p>

<p>Last year we visited June 5th/6th and by August 10th she was accepted and had Honors acceptance. Paid deposit and housing deposit on first day and had first pick when it mattered.</p>

<p>She LOVED having her entire Senior year to relax and enjoy while others around her were stressed and worried.</p>

<p>PS: She applied to 12 schools, including 1 ivy. Accepted at all except for Ivy and was waitlisted there. Decided that she loved 'Bama more than she wanted to wait for the WL.</p>

<p>After one full year I can honestly say it was the best decision she could have made! RTR</p>

<p>My oldest son did not put his deposit down until January of his senior year (2009), because he used Alabama as his financial safety. That changed, as he later accepted the National Merit offer and got into CBHP.</p>

<p>DD has her meeting with her guidance counselor on Monday. I tried to get the counselor, a personal friend, to cancel it, but she insisted that she is required to meet with everyone. I have a feeling our conversation will go the way of Edjumacation’s!</p>

<p>LOL - my D has her “How to Apply to College” session today at school. She asked me if she could just raise her hand & say, if we’ve already been accepted somewhere, can we leave? She’s still got a few apps to go though, all of which are more complicated than UA’s, so I thought she could still learn a thing or two from the GC. I’ll be curious to see if that is the case.</p>

<p>We put D’s deposit down in Dec. well before her first visit to UA which was for UFE so our take is it doesn’t play into it. How wonderful for both the student and parents who have your decisions made so early-the college search stress is something I am forever grateful is behind us. However Jr. year of college comes so fast -we are already discussing summer programs/internship applications and grad school plans -the cycle goes on.</p>