Being a Minority in Wisconsin-Madison


<p>I'm a currently a senior in high school & I'm finalizing my list of where to apply. Although Wisconsin isn't my first choice, it's one of my low-target/safety that I could end up at, so I hope you guys can help me.</p>

<p>I'm an Asian, born in an Asian country, raised there for seven years, & lived only in California ever since. Where I live, we have a ton of Asians that we're NEVER considered or treated as a minority group (look at UCI/UCLA/UCSD!). However, according to some reviews of WM, I heard that minorities stick out like a sore thumb/get harassed more than other students. I read a review of a guy who said he was picked on for being a minority, for receiving better financial aid, etc. That freaks me out! </p>

<p>I also heard that the OOS students and the In-State are not friendly with each other... another scary thing.</p>

<p>I'd like to have WM as a low-reach/safety school rather than UCM or UCR (no offense to them:), since WM is seen as a better school/more competitive. However, I don't think I could tolerate being treated so badly as the reviews claimed it.</p>

<p>So really, how bad is it?
Should I just not bother to even apply& apply to UCR & UCM? /:</p>

<p>I don’t think the problem is UW its about how you integrate into a different type of environment. Obviously there are more Asians on the coasts. In the beginning you will be an Asian coaster. Do you hang with other Asians? Do you speak your native language in front of others who don’t speak your language?? Your update seems to imply that you are smarter than most UW students and it up to them to integrate with you. There are many issues 1) Rich VS poor 2) OSS VS in state 3) color of skin. My best friend was Asian, he was from Hong Kong and smarter then most other students. We traveled together, he attended my wedding, we ended up working for the same company, I helped him buy his first car… Most people don’t make fun of their friends.</p>

<p>Hi, sorry to ask, but can someone chance me too? Penn State will be a reach for me, but I just want to get an opinion of how much of a reach it will be:</p>

<p>Weighted: 3.62/Unweighted: 3.56
ACT Composite: 30
English: 33
Math: 32
Reading: 28
Science: 28
2 AP’s/1 Honors*
EC: co-founder, vice-president, & president of Gay Straight Alliance/ Cheer Team/ Key Club/ Volunteered at a Library/ Worked as a Math tutor/ Church youth groups/ Mission trip to Mexico/ Pre-College program at an art college</p>

<p>& I’ll be an OOS student.
I have NO idea if this will help me, but my school is a new school (I’m part of the first graduating class. We have about 200 students). </p>

<p>*Another Question:
I was dead-set on going into an art program until this summer, which explains the lacking AP’s. I needed as much art as I could get & my school did not offer AP Art/Art History, so I filled up my spots with extra drawing classes, etc… (How do I explain this to colleges?)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance! </p>

<p>FYI , UW is not a safety school, at least for you, it harder to get into UW then Penn state</p>

<p>…this isn’t really a chances thread.</p>

<p>There is a stereotype here about Asians that is kind of mean. Many people don’t like Asians here. However, it’s not due to people merely being Asian. It’s due to Asians refusing to hang out with non-Asians and just keeping to themselves and speaking their Asian language in front of non-speakers. Asians are also thought of as never wanting to party or drink (which is fine) but being very judgemental of those who do so (which is not fine). All of these behaviors lead to some prejudice towards Asians, but I’ve known a few Asian people who did not conform to these stereotypes and everyone treated them very normally. I’m not saying you need to party if you’re Asian, but as long as you make an effort to hang out with different kinds of people (and don’t exclude people by speaking a different language in front of them) and are open-minded, you will have few problems.</p>

<p>Asians do also have their own culture-type thing here and if you don’t want to hang out with others, there are even Asian frats and probably a whole Asian social scene. I don’t know though because I’m not Asian and it feels very exclusive.</p>


Make sure you are evaluating selectivity correctly. UW is about as selective as UCSD and UCLA and less so than Cal. It is well above Merced and Riverside in its selectivity. If you consider UCSD a sure-bet for you, you can probably include UW on that level as well, otherwise reconsider your admissability.</p>

<p>Asians are a diverse group. Son is 1/2 Asian- Indian. Born/raised in Wis, went to UW. The predominent Asian group in Wis is Hmong. Many instate students at UW (as well as those OOS from the Minneapolis area) will be used to that ethnic group from their HS days.</p>

<p>California is dominated by Asians from the rest of Asia, although there are many there from the Indian subcontinent. One reason to leave California is to experience a different culture. Since you have been living in the US I presume you speak fluent English and won’t plan on spending your time mainly with those from your culture (you can do that in CA). It would be interesting for you to leave your Asian dominated comfort zone, to experience the European dominated rest of the country. When it comes time to job hunt you may decide you prefer the ethnic makeup of your part of CA, better to learn this as a student.</p>

<p>The instate/OOS “coastie” thing is nothing to worry about. No matter where in the country you attend college you can easily fit in. Problems arise when you don’t embrace the local culture at all- after all, you chose to attend college in the location and that includes the culture. People who, by words and actions, try to show their local culture is better than that where they choose to attend college, or who separate themselves from it, are the small minority who may have problems. If you read the threads on this forum about it you will find it isn’t a real problem. Likewise Asians who choose to be separate instead of joining in will isolate themselves.</p>

<p>You state you think UW will be a safety for you. There is a good Honors program which can challenge you in Math, Chemistry and/or Physics as a freshman. Also note there are many top grad programs and you can take grad level courses while an undergrad. UW has also funded more undergrad teaching instead of making the drastic cuts I’ve heard about in the CA U systems. Don’t let misinformation about the social aspects of UW deter you. It is large enough for many different lifestyles.</p>

<p>I copied his info from another tread to show that UW isn’t low risk safety.</p>

<p>justw… aberrant posts. Please don’t try to hijack threads. You didn’t make the point you just said you did.</p>

<p>RedSox’s post does a darn good job of making real, real clear that, when it comes to diversity, UW students just don’t get it.</p>


<p>I think Asians are fairly well represented here. Asians only make up like 5% of US population an even less in Wisconsin. But its way higher at UW-Madison, plenty of Asians here. So you’ll be fine. You’ll only stick out if you’re Black or Hispanic.</p>

<p>I am not attempting to be racist. I am noting the culture of the school. The stereotypes are clearly based on BEHAVIOR, and anyone who does not exhibit those behaviors will have very few problems. All you have to do is be nice and inclusive and you will make lots of friends. It’s just like anything else.</p>

<p>Same goes for coasties in fact. If you only stick with other OOS students, are snobby, and flaunt how wealthy you are, you will be stereotyped as a coastie, yes, but what’s behind that is you’ll be disliked BECAUSE YOU ARE SNOBBY. That’s why a lot of people don’t like Asians. Because many of them seem extremely exclusive and judgemental. It’s the antisocial behaviors that create tension, not where you’re from.</p>

<p>NOVAParent, are you mentally ill? Why do you come on here regularly to bash or put down a University? Seriously. What is going on there in that silly head of yours?</p>

<p>Roxsox speaks for all UW students about as much as you speak for all parents, NOVA.</p>

<p>And yes, desertfox, I think we’re well past all the proof we need that NOVA is a disturbed individual. Her obsession with finding any reason to criticize the UW – in fact her mere continuous presence on the forum of a school she has no connection to – borders on psychosis. This has literally been going on for years. If past practice holds, she will now complain to the moderators, so that she can continue her banal assaults on a great University. It’s sad and pathetic, and it has made this board immensely less useful to prospective students and parents.</p>

<p>Good, clear points RoxSox, although “many” may apply only to your social circles. Problems if you choose to have them, otherwise you will be fine. Besides- who cares what others think? You find like minded people and don’t worry about the rest- even if it is a majority. UW means different things to different people and students each see different aspects. Like the blind men and the elephant- ask 10 diverse students and you will get 10 different views of campus life. One of the good things about a large campus. If you choose the Honors Program you will be with students who think like you and likely care more about the academics than other aspects of UW.</p>

<p>@justwaiting1, thanks for stalking me& all my posts. It’s kind of creepy how you go out of your way in an attempt to make a point that doesn’t matter to you. & seeing how UW’s stats are 3.5-3.9, my ACT is in the top 75% range,I’m “minority” there& how I’m OOS, I personally would consider it safety/target since usually the OOS students’ standards are lower. UW is easier to get into than UCSD-- go look at SD’s freshmen profile before you speak.</p>

<p>Plus I never said I could get into NOR that I’m applying to SD or LA. They’re not even reach schools for me! I used them as examples of schools that have a high asian population, not as a school I’m looking to. & yes, I know UCM+UCR+CalState are lower ranked than UW… that’s why I said I’d prefer to have UW than THOSE. So don’t jump to conclusions so quickly… sheesh.</p>

<p>& to everyone else, thanks for the input. I feel better about UW now :)</p>

<p>There are tons of Asians on campus. Not as many as there would be on the coasts, but there are still enough that you would not necessarily feel singled out because of your race.</p>

<p>Being from CA, only thing to worry about is the long winter. :)</p>

<p>I am just posting this to help you with your essay’s. If your only intent with your post was to ask if UW is friendly to Asians then you didn’t need all the other info. Many others copy from other links and other boards. I made the mistake on my second post that I didn’t express that it was your chance post. FYI, at least at UW its harder to get in OSS, but I know many on this board will disagree. Lastly, Asians are not a minority for admission.</p>

<p>Essay help? I never asked for it.
To be chanced? Not here-- just on my other thread for PSU.</p>

<p>So don’t get mixed up& keep them separate.
Don’t go out of your way to “help”-- it’s not very useful for me.</p>

<p>But thanks for the effort.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that when you post any information it becomes “public” and people will research it. It is not stalking to do so. Also- people feel free to make comments and offer advice. You need to go with the flow. Be thankful people bothered to post information on a thread you started without demanding we only do what you want.</p>