<p>Pardon me if my grammar is not perfect, i'm a bit tired at the moment.
I'm a senior this coming year and basically i have no idea what my reaches are in terms of schools. I am indeed deaf and i was wondering whether it would be an obstacle in attempting for schools like Duke, Emory, Boston College, to name a few. I had heard that being deaf could also be a good thing since many schools are interested in 'diversity' and 'minority'.
I apologize if this post is awkward a bit since i was never any good at breaking the ice.</p>
<p>hi chicken1992,</p>
<p>Iām deaf as well (Cochlear Implant), and I"m a current MIT student. Those are good colleges you just listed. Can you tell me bit more about yourself?</p>
<p>See this thread I just posted in: <a href=āhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/massachusetts-institute-technology/997267-learning-disabilities.html[/url]ā>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/massachusetts-institute-technology/997267-learning-disabilities.html</a></p>