Benefit of accepted student day?

Is there a benefit to attending the accepted student day on campus if one has already toured the campus and committed to RIT?

My son toured on one of the regular tours (he was the only student touring in fact!) and got a very short tour of housing. We are wondering if it’s worth the trip up (5 hours) in April to attend the accepted student day. Is there information there that he wouldn’t have already received?

If he’s already committed, I guess it would just be getting to know the campus better, meeting people, and building excitement. I can understand if it doesn’t fit into the schedule.

It’s one of my daughter’s frontrunners so for us it’s a different story. She plans to spend the night with a “Women in Computers” program. We’re about 5 hours away as well.

Congratulations to your son!


We went for accepted students day at the college my D committed to ED. The benefits to her were:
–Got to see the freshman dorm choices;
–Met up in person with some people who were also attending in the fall that she was in a facebook group with;
–Bought hoodie/t-shirt (admittedly a minor plus – our family rule in no swag until acceptance/decision);
–There were a few interesting bits and pieces of information shared that day but nothing earth-shattering;
Overall, (despite the rain that day) the visit left her super-excited to start college in the fall and with a sense that she had some friends in place already.

That said, if the trip is a hardship (my D’s school was 3 hours away) and your child isn’t pressing you to go I’d say it is perfectly fine to skip the accepted students day since his decision has been made.

Congrats to your S on a great outcome.


My DS and hubs (I already toured with S) are planning to to up to the one this weekend. From Texas. Considering the accelerated bs/ms physics program. It’s a lot of travel!

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