Benefits of Ed2?

I know that it helps to apply ED2 at GW but does it really help that much? In addition are the students applying ED2 generally academically better or worse than the RD pool?
I know no one will have the actually stats, but I figured I might as well see if anyone has a general grasp of GW admissions? Thanks in advance!

Yes, ED2 will increase your odds over RD. I would say that it’s a noticeable percentage difference. As far as academic differences in the application pools, I’ve never seen statistics on that. If I had to hazard a guess, though, I’d say there’s no meaningful difference in the two regarding academics.

Does anyone have a date for ED2 notifications that is more specific than mid-late Feb?

I think its feb 15th

Any idea when ED II decisions will be released ??

So since last years deadline for apps was Jan 5th and ours was Jan 15th I’m thinking late this week or early the week after so around 2/25. We thought the deadline was 2/15 but that took into account a deadline that was 10 days earlier.

wait i was wrong nvm ours was also jan 5th

@NHuffer where are you getting your data on ED boosting odds? GW rep said no boost for ED at admissions brief this week

@Sportsman88 I’m basing my statement off the increased admissions rate. Depending on which year you look at, regular admissions acceptance rates are around 40% while early decision is around 60%.

@Sportsman88 interesting, because when we visited GWU last year the admissions officer giving the presentation was very clear in the presentation that ED is a boost to admission chances.