<p>do you have any (or many)?</p>
<p>from which college? what course? </p>
<p>in which college/dept do the "hotties" at Cal congregate?</p>
<p>post picx if you can. lol</p>
<p>some incoming freshies are lurking on this thread.</p>
<p>do you have any (or many)?</p>
<p>from which college? what course? </p>
<p>in which college/dept do the "hotties" at Cal congregate?</p>
<p>post picx if you can. lol</p>
<p>some incoming freshies are lurking on this thread.</p>
<p>hot ENGINEERING(!!!) GSI. who knew??? he’s a mech e phd student, i believe. too bad i never went to lab so zero interaction there.</p>
<p>Hot female bio…oh wait. Jk</p>
Was it the Australian? He is a cool dude.</p>
<p>i want to see my name on this thread</p>
<p>tell me your name, and i’ll post it.</p>
<p>@ turtlecloud
hmm i wasn’t referring to him but the australian guy was cute too. i meant the blonde blue-eyed one.</p>
<p>this guy is a hottie </p>
<p><a href=“http://www.jasonkidd.com/files/images/jk2/jk_cal_300.jpg[/url]”>http://www.jasonkidd.com/files/images/jk2/jk_cal_300.jpg</a></p>
<p>the only best bballer cal will ever have</p>
<p>We have the next yao ming</p>
<p>too bad he only plays about 1/4th of the game</p>
<p>does nothing but slam dunk. and even then he doesn’t get the ball that often. i’m pulling the race card yo.</p>
<p>Hahah I think a lot of the hot guys are the GSIs. </p>
<p>My psych GSI was really hot, and my friend’s MCB GSI is like a frigging olympian god; hot beyond description. Sorry I’m not creeper enough to snag a picture I liked both of the math GSIs I’ve had so far
Though neither would fall into the category of hot, but they are both very intelligent, caring and cute in a nerdy way, which I find adorable :P</p>
<p>As for the general undergrad population… nah… No one attractive… maybe I’m just not looking hard enough.</p>
<p>greek system</p>