To those of you who were admitted to the MET Program at UC Berkeley, would you mind sharing your essays? Just so that applicants this year can have some idea on how to approach the essay. Do the admissions officers want creative essays or more straightforward ones that answer the question? Do they want a story? Do they want you to mention your extracurriculars?
Any insight would be wonderful.
Bump post.
I would really benefit if I had some guidance.
No insider info, but from the MET program’s webinar, the AO said they are just looking for straightforward answers, not creative writing.
I’m currently in the MET program, and I can talk about my personal take on the prompt. I know it’s rather cliche, but I just tried to be myself and show them who I was and what I liked. I don’t think I got in because of a very fancy essay in my opinion. Just talk about what you’re are passionate about
Any idea when the MET decisions are sent out?
@GHolmes Well I recently was invited to an interview for this coming week, so I’m guessing decisions have to be after that. If last year is any indicator, decisions will be sent out in early February (I think 2/10 last year?)
So if you’ve not been selected for an interview then not in the running?
So if you’ve not been selected for an interview then not in the running?
That’s how it seems @GHolmes, but interviews are sent on a rolling basis
Yes twitter post confirms that: Interviews are sent on rolling basis. No need to lose hope :-*
It is too soon to lose hope.
I spoke with my DS last night and he said he didn’t get an interview date till the last week of January. He interviewed in February 1st (he was notified of admission 10 days later).
He also said getting an interview was the first cut and I wonder if just getting the interview pretty much assures admission to the engineering portion of your app if not the full MET program. This is pure speculation though.
Congratulations to those that have received a request to interview, you are a compelling candidate indeed. Good Luck.
@california32146 , which Twitter account are you following? I can’t find anything on the CalAdmission Twitter account.
@bogeyorpar https://■■■■■■■■■■■/Berkeley_MET M.E.T. interview invites have gone out and will continue to be sent out on a rolling basis …