<p>would it be easier to transfer to stanford from berkeley since they are so close and have great respect for each other's academics? i want to ulimately end up at stanford and i'm trying to figure out the route i need to take to get there. i've heard the two schools, although rivals, have high respect for one another and there are many cross admits between the two schools.</p>
<p>U'd definitely have a chance, but I heard that stanford only admitted like 15 transfer students last year so good luck with that</p>
<p>Cross admits doesn't entail the same thing that the transfer from community colleges to UCs does...almost half of stanford kids come from CA...i'm sure 95% of those applied and got accepted to cal as well.
the transfer rate into stanford is absolutely terrifying, for lack of a better word...applying for freshman admission is the only way in, basically (so, that's your best 'route' to stanford)</p>