Best and worst PASSHE school?

Thank you. I hope that Cynthia D. Shapira is sincere and willing to fight for proper funding for Public Education.

Recent proposal to increase funding for PASSHE. I hope that if they do this, they also make smart strategic decisions. I would rather that they not prop up failing institutions. Make smarter choices.

Although I am thankful for the increase, the increase is marginal at best. $9 million over 14 universities. With 100,000 students, $9 million comes in at $90 per student. The Key93 money is interesting. This must be for recreation/park type facilities(although I am not sure). $9 million for a state the size of PA is an improvement but one not likely to help much as funding will still be less than or equal to the amount of funding PASSHE received 15 years ago.

@bester1 I sent you a message, thought you might be able to help. I may post here later also.

" long-term sustainability and a vibrant future. At the same time, we are working to ensure that our array of academic programs aligns with the needs of our regions and the entire commonwealth. In fact, we have completed a series of studies over the past two years that clearly identify the types of skill sets employers are demanding."

Would love to know which skill sets the employers are demanding. And would these skill sets be for the larger economy or limited to those for PA employers?
There was not one single PASSHE school which had accredited engineering for DS. Unless they introduce one, they continually lose students to Pitt, Temple, or Penn State, if affordable, or to out of state schools.

Or were the state schools never expected to compete with them?

I know SRU is trying to develop Engineering but it is likely not what you would be looking for…

Some PASSHE news…

Heading back to West Chester for another tour tomorrow, just me and my daughter. I am hoping to spend some more time walking around parts of campus we did not see before and walking through the town a bit to get a sense of it.

Also, we rec’d financial letters from both WC and Millersville, and were only offered unsubsizided loans. I don’t expect any additional merit (albiet small) would come from Admissions (?). The new housing at Millersville is expensive and the tuition is slightly higher too.

@ portercat…enjoy the tour. Both are nice schools. We have only been offered unsubsidized loans as well.

One reason we are afraid of the PASSHE system…so much contraction and my daughter is a swimmer. Bloomsburg doesn’t appear to be in this situation but you never know. Are system is slowly being torn apart, piece by piece.

Read the article where the system was granted 8 million… cool, right? Until you realize they needed… 61. Are they going to have students bring their own toilet paper like some K-12 schools had to do Fall 2009 due to budget cuts?

@MYOS1634 …exactly! I hear people say things like “Well, they are getting an extra $8-9 million and they still cant manage”…no they are not! PASSHE is getting close to the funding they got in 1992-1993. I could not support my family on my salary from 1992-93. I can’t understand how PA residents are okay with this or are they just happy to send their kids to the most expensive community college system in the country known as Penn State/Pitt branch campuses ( yes…there are some exceptions like Behrend).

I seem to think most voters in PA (and voters in general) do not think about college. Either they are older (Kids are grown) and are more concerned with other state benefits or they are younger and do not have kids. The voting population with kids in college “range” is relatively small. They cannot see that good higher ed would actually benefit the state economy.

@bester1 I understand the fear of PASSHE, and thoughts about having to transfer or something like that if the school changes. I have a different fear, going to a school that might be a stretch to afford in Year 1, but becomes very unaffordable in Years 2 and 3 because of tuition increases, forcing a transfer

Right now, PASSHE is all that is in affordable range to us without ParentPlus or home equity loans, which I don’t want to consider after we are just on the positive side of things following the housing crisis.

@Portercat …yes, I know that fear!!! LOL. We discuss it all the time. I am in the $19,000 - $23,000 range while all of her friends are going to some very expensive schools. We are down to Cleveland State, Bloomsburg, West Chester, Ohio University(currently a tad over $25,000) WVU (See Ohio U), John Carroll ($26,000), Indiana State ($23,00)…that is pretty much it!

Thanks @bester1. For your schools in the $25-26K range, I would do some calculations on the top line (+ increases, ~4%), as they will be likely closer to $30K by years 3 and 4, unless she gets additional scholarships along the way or they freeze tuition for you. Another thought for us!

Doesn’t Ohio U have some kind of guarantee that costs won’t go up in future years?

^^ Yes. From their website: The OHIO Guarantee is a cohort based, level-rate tuition, housing, dining, and fee model that assures students and their families a set of comprehensive rates for the pursuit of an undergraduate degree at Ohio University. Tuition, housing, dining, and fee rates established at enrollment remain unchanged for 12 consecutive semesters.

I think many kids move off campus for years 3 and 4, but the consistent tuition and fees is something to consider.

@bester1, maybe if your D decides that OU would be her No 1 choice, and she told them that, and can show them some lower (instate) offers, they might give her a bit more aid?

@mommdc …thank you and a good thought!