Hello fellow CC sisters and brethren! Just a fun thread about the BEST, most OVER POWERED application (that is of course applying to college) you’ve ever seen. These applicants can be fake >:) or real :D.
Feel free to leave links or copy and paste or make it up lol.
I can’t think of one right now but i’ll try to post one later lol.
IB Diolploma
AP Scholar
National Merit semifinalist
-I’ve taken all the APs offered by College Board.(5 on all of them)
I’ve taken 5 SAT subject tests: 800 on all.
I have cured many different diseases
I have made 5 apps all of them +5000 download
President Obama awarded me
-Varsity Basketball/Swim/Dive/Waterpolo
-Captain of Basketball team and swimming team
-President and founder of all the clubs in my school
World Champion in many sports
Accepted to : Harvard. Yale. Stanford. Brown. Columbia. Oxford University. And all the world is mine:)
haha this is fun
gpa W : 4.0 , UW 6.0 (its happened before)
5s on all APs offered by the college board
SAT 2400 (first time) ACT:36 (first time and I was bored)
SAT II : 800 in Math II, physics, biology, chemistry, and literature (all on the same day cause I couldn’t be bothered to come again but I completed in the 3hr max period)
Discovered a vaccine for AIDS,
Awarded a nobel peace prize at age 16
Awarded nobel prizes in physics and chemistry at age 17
Awarded the fields medal at age 18
Would have won the Intel science fair but wasn’t allowed to participate because I was only 8 years old lol
President and founder of 8 clubs, including young geniuses (I was the only member as no one else was qualified enough)
Captain of 5 varsity sports since freshman year, as well as having 5 Olympic gold medals (hehehe).
Held a seminar in my junior year of high school to improve the quality of teaching, the seminar was attended by all the teachers including the principle. ( I graduated high school at age 12 but I had to stay and devise a new school curriculum)
I proposed 5 bills to congress ( 3 of which have been passed)
I am the editor in chief of the state newspaper
Awarded a pulitzer for one of my articles (it WAS THAT GOOD hehehehe)
Survived hurricane Katrina (Was homeless for a year) and started a foundation to help the flood victims, sponsors included Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, then Senator Obama, e.t.c.
I only applied to Harvard but was accepted to 20 other universities.
Stanford offered me full funding up to the completion of my phD program in 3 years B-)
This is interesting. My son’s (girl) friend (they are both juniors) has actual stats of:
-UW: 4, W:5
-SAT: 2400
-ACT: 36 Both SAT and ACT perfect scores were on first tries at the tests end of Soph. year
-PSAT: perfect score, 1520 I think? Taken after both the SAT and ACT
-Taken all APs, 5s on all the tests, she’s only a Junior so the school is letting her do indep. study next year because it has run out of AP maths
-studied Chemistry at Harvard last summer and worked at a homeless shelter in her free time there
-Won numerous science, math, history, writing, MUN, and other awards
-President of many clubs, has developed outreach in the community for homeless shelters to exchange info with each other and work together
-awarded pianist
-beautiful, witty, hilarious, caring, empathic, completely normal in every way, humble, all around outstanding person, great work ethic but doesn’t kill herself studying - she is just crazy smart - and manages her time well
She is concern that she won’t get into her first choice schools (Harvard and Princeton - thinks Stanford is too much of a reach) because she is Chinese.
What do ya’ll think? No doubt she will land in a great place, but can she get in her first choices? Or would colleges reject her just to say they did?
@ambitious96 yes, those are her real stats. I’m sure there are more I don’t know about. She is very humble and doesn’t like to discuss it. She has been in the paper and tv news lately about the perfect ACT, SAT and PSAT scores. She truly is concerned about getting into her first choice schools though - it’s a lot of pressure on her. Both of her parents are research scientists with a local hospital and she doesn’t have any adversity to speak of. Also hasn’t cured a disease, doesn’t have a patent (that I know of), and not an athlete. So yeah, she knows that Harvard isn’t a sure thing.
I don’t envy you kids at all today. Everything is so much harder for you - and the economy you face (ruined by the generations before you) is shaky and uncertain. Things were so much easier in your parents’ day. At least you all are smart enough to fix this crappy world you’ve inherited.
Okay, I think this is crossing the line from legitimate applications to the unrealistic (e.g. performed Rachmaninoff’s 3rd Piano Concerto with the NY Philharmonic when I was 4, and also managed to prove the twin prime conjecture when I was 10).
@tmeg01 Affirmative action against us Asian-Americans is beyond brutal. She’s definitely not guaranteed admission to those schools, but I’d be surprised if she were rejected from all of them.
@yinous I live in the south and some white people here want to end affirmative action re race because Latino and African American kids with lesser stats get admitted before them. They totally overlook the fact that many white kids are being accepted over Asian kids with better stats.
GPA: 4.0W/5.0UW
SAT: 2400
ACT: 36
-Varsity Football(9-12, captain all four years)
-Varsity Basketball(9-12, captain all four years)
-Varsity Track & Field(9-12, captain all four years)
-Varsity Club Rowing(9-12, captain all four years)
-Participated in 3 summer programs
-President and founder of Economics Club, STEM Club, Robotics Club(Team went to Nationals in it’s first year), FBLA
-President of Key Club, Chinese Club, Computer Club, Recycling Club
-Speaks Chinese, French, Spanish, and Italian fluently
-Nationally recognized Violinist, played in Carnegie Hall as a freshman
-Goes to a Top-10 High School
-AP Classes since Freshman year, took AP Calculus as a freshman
-Cured 3 mildly-known diseases
-Started own tech business in 10th grade, with over 300,000 units sold
-Climbed Mt. Everest over the summer of sophomore/junior year
-Discovered two new species of plant during an excursion to the Amazon Rainforest (summer between freshman/sophomore)
-Published a paper in a nationally renowned science journal about the plants
-Eagle Scout
-Interned at Microsoft for a short time before starting tech company
-National Merit Scholar
-Voted student of the year all four years at high school
-Won national football, basketball chamionships
-Set new national HS record for 100 M race, 400 M race, and pole vault in track & field
Volunteer Work
-2200 Hours at local Church
-1500 hours at local Elementary and Middle School
-1550 Hours at local YMCA
-Took a mission trip to Africa to rebuild a village torn apart by natural disaster
Essays off the charts, edited and written solely by student
Recommendations are gold (One from every teacher and staff member at the school)
(LOL) I’m pretty sure this is not physically possible.